Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1


dlOO Event 51 -52 Cries of alarm fill the street as a wooden crate
01 -02 A minotaur holding a large piece of wood that from somewhere above crashes down into the
could serve as a maul approaches you and politely lower city.
asks if you have any copper to spare. 53-56 A splash of unidentified, putrid liquid falls from
03-04 Down a nearby alleyway, a dwarf punches a goblin above, soaking you.
in the stomach, then walks away laughing. 57-60 The generally unpleasant smell of the lower wards
05-08 A thin human child has been following you, but is pierced by the scent of something delicious be-
never gets too close. She keeps coughing, and you ing baked nearby.
can see red marks on her neck that might be an 61 -62 A gnome sits at a table with a sign attached to it
aberrant dragon mark. that reads, "I say Breland would have won the Last
09-1 0 A human priest of Boldrei wheels a cart of bread War. Change my mind."
loaves through the city, giving food to the home- 63-64 Two changelings sit on a bench in front of a tav-
less. ern, sharing a flask. They take turns changing
11-15 A goblin pushing a cart of rusty weapons and their forms into the people who enter and exit the
broken clay pots calls out, "Real artifacts of an- building.
cient Dhakaan for sale! Recovered from the ruins 65-66 A human woman shouts at a group of Cyran ref-
below!" ugees, "Go home! Stop taking our jobs. Let the
16 -1 8 A man dressed in the livery of House Vada I is Mournland have you!"
descends a tower wall mounted on the back of a 67-68 A group of students from Morgrave University
giant spider. He shouts, "Need a ride? No faster moves through the street, asking for directions to
way to get to the middle and upper wards! Reason- Dragoneyes.
able rates!" 69-72 You turn down an empty street. A door suddenly
19 -22 An ogre eating several rats on a skewer spits out a materializes on a nearby building that previously
rodent skull at your feet. showed no entrances.
23-26 A playful stray mastiff wags its tail as it ap- 73 -74 Faded graffiti on a wall reads, "Need someone
preaches, drops a very large egg at your feet, and knifed? Tarkanan's got you covered!"
looks up expectantly. 75-76 A crowd gathers around a kobold playing a pan
27-30 A small, jovial crowd gathers around a goblin and flute and leading a group of rats in a merry dance.
a kobold that are getting ready to have an arm 77-80 Four ores jab at an ochre jelly with long staffs, try-
wrestling match. A dwarf calls for the crowd to ing to herd the ooze into the sewers.
place their bets. 81 -82 Several Cyran refugees are gathered in a circle,
31 -34 Three harpies fly through the streets singing a singing a haunting song.
jolly drinking song. Each carries a bucket around 83-84 An old goblin offers to pierce your ears or nose for
her neck, and passersby occasionally drop coins 5 copper crowns. She claims, "It will be painless. I
in one. know magic!"
35- 38 A human woman and a warforged with a silvered 85-86 A figure in red robes preaches, "The Last War was
body are walking down the street together. They're not the last! As long as the monarchy rules in Bre-
too well dressed for this district, and are looking land, another war is inevitable. Rise up!"
around as if lost. 87-90 A member of the Sharn Watch looks uncom-
39-42 A Khoravar half-elf in the robes of an oracle ap- fortable as she wanders the street. It's clear she
preaches and promises to give you the answer to doesn't come down here often.
all of life's problems for 42 copper crowns. 91 -92 Two humans run into an alley, drawing daggers as
43-44 A human and an elf kiss passionately in an alley they go.
near your path. They notice you and quickly move 93-94 Two drunken humans exit a tavern singing a Karr-
apart. nathi battle hymn. Another human shouts at them
45-46 Three shifter children run by you, yelling and chas- to "shut up or get shut up." The drunken pair
ing each other with wooden swords. They duck sings louder in response.
into a boarded-up building. 95-96 Two children reeking of sewage argue over who
47-48 "Stop her! She stole my necklace!" a priest of the gets to wear a shiny helmet that sits on the
Sovereign Host cries, pointing to a grimy halfling ground between them.
clutching a silver chain and climbing up the side 97-00 You find a pamphlet on the ground advertising the
of a tower. Silvermist Theater. Someone has scrawled on it,
49-50 A young woman using a crutch and missing a leg "The real party is in the basement."
approaches, asking if you can spare any coin to
help a Brelish veteran of the Last War.

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