Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
dlOO Event 52-54 Four warforged work together to operate an enor-
01 -03 A group of adventurers approaches, telling you to mous tarrasque puppet as publicity for a new play
move along and stop trying to steal their business. at the Art Temple.
(If the characters belong to the Deathsgate Guild 55-57 A horrified crowd is gathered around a burning ef-
or the Clifftop Adventurer's Guild, these could be figy of King Boranel. No one claims responsibility
members of the rival guiJd.) for the act.
04-06 Outside a House Kundarak bank, a human noble 58-60 A human noble is berating a warforged servant for
screams at a dragonmarked dwarf, "What do you losing her invitation to the next Tain Gala.
mean it's lost?" 61-63 A young noble proposes to his boyfriend in a
07-09 A priest of Kol Korran preaches to a crowd, saying, beautiful garden on a tower balcony. Nearby, a
"The best way to invest in yourself is to invest in changeling looks on in tears.
your gods." 64-66 You walk down a path lined with trees on which

10 -1 (^2) An elf riding a pegasus with bulging saddlebags are growing candy-coated apples.
asks you for directions to the Aurora Gallery. 67-70 Three children sparring with wooden swords play
13 -1 5 Two drunk dwarves pass a bottle of spirits back dangerously close to the edge of a bridge.
and forth and sing a bawdy song. Passersby are 71- 73 A kalashtar on the street approaches you, saying,
mortified. "I can help you talk with the dead. Is there anyone
16 -1 8 Two kalashtar play dragonchess at an outdoor ta- you miss?"
ble. They move pieces without touching them. 74-76 An artist offers to draw caricatures of everyone in
19 -21 A halfling chef stands in a large skycoach that is your group at the same time by using several mag-
equipped with a stove, oven, and washbasin. Sev- ically animated quills.
eral spectral hands prepare and plate food as the 77-80 You approach a fresco painted on the ground that
chef serves a party of smiling customers. depicts King Boranel ir'Wynarn. As you get closer,
22-25 A harpy decked out in colorful ribbons flies over- the fresco speaks, delivering an inspiring line
head, calling, "Get the best deals on adventuring taken from one of the ki ng's speeches.
gear at Old Claggin's in Clifftop." 81 -82 A dragonborn standing near several soarsleds
26-29 Some Morgrave students follow their dwarf offers you a tour of upper Sham's most impressive
professor onto a lift as she says, "Next stop: the mansions.
Cogs!" 83-84 Two nobles, one Aundairian and one Brelish, heat-
30-32 An out-of-breath gnome carrying bagpipes asks edly debate which of their countries would have
you for directions to Kavarrah Concert Hall. won the war had it been fought to a conclusion.
33-35 A flustered gnome carries a stack of papers taller 85-86 A gilded warforged plays a sad song on a trumpet ,
than he is-unaware of the plume of smoke com- honoring those who fell during the Last War.
ing from inside a scroll case slung on his back. 87-88 A group of well-outfitted adventurers snicker and
36-38 You walk by a shirtless elf tattooed from head to whisper to each other as you pass.
waist with images of dragons battling each other. 89-90 You turn a corner and notice a shifter who imme-
39-40 A groomed hobgoblin wearing a jeweled vest diately puts her hands in her pockets and starts
approaches you and says, "Ah! Adventurers. Any whistling, obviously trying to act inconspicuous.
interest in securing some Dhakaani relics for me?" 91 -92 A pseudodragon flies out of a nearby bush. As
41-42 Someone has painted, "The crown dies with the playful creature licks your faces, you notice it
Boranel!" across the gates of a noble's mansion. wears a collar engraved with the letter M.
A member of the Sham Watch is talking to the 93-94 You walk past a placid pond in a small park filled
household staff. with colorful fish. An attendant removes dead fish
43-44 A magewright offers to shine your shoes instantly from the water with a net.
with magic for 2 gold galifars, saying, "You can't 95-96 You come near a mansion, and an illusion of an
be seen with those dirty things up here." old man dressed in noble finery appears. "Get off
45-46 A human wearing the livery of House Vadalis my lawn!" the figure gripes.
struggles to carry a 3-foot-tall speckled blue egg 97-98 An elf child with a faerie dragon on a leash walks
down the street. toward you and asks if you'd like to touch the
47-48 An aasimar oracle approaches and promises to exotic pet.
give you the answer to all the problems that ever 99-00 You find a small brass key on the ground that
existed for 42 gold galifars. glows blue whenever it is touched.
49-51 A shifter with flowers in her hair and a wand in her
hand offers to magically gild any item of clothing
you wear for 20 gold galifars.

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