Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1


The most powerful criminal organization in Sham
started as a family of halfling immigrants from the Tal­
enta Plains. Operating out of its headquarters and key
holdings in the Little Plains district of Middle Menthis,
the Boromar Clan controls gambling, smuggling, and
theft in Sham. Most of the city's burglars, pickpockets,
and fences either work for or pay tithes to the organiza­
tion. The Boromar Clan's network of extortion, bribery,
and blackmail extends from Lower Dura to Skyway.
The Boromars' influence extends beyond criminal
enterprises into many legitimate circles of power. Ilyra
Boromar sits on the city council, and a number of
other councilors are close allies of the clan. The family
has ties by marriage to HouseJorasco. A Boromar at­
tends every Skyway party. The family owns tenements
throughout Sham and invests in shipping, storing both
legal goods and contraband in many of the warehouses
in Precarious and Cogsgate. In many districts, local offi­
cials and Sham Watch officers have been taking bribes
from the Boromars for generations.
The criminal nature of the Boromar Clan is an open
secret, and in some districts the Boromars are seen as
hometown heroes. They are immigrants who've made
good, common people who've risen to rival the barons
and kings. They give the people what they want, whether
it's untaxed gambling, cheap spirits, or dreamlily. The


clan operates with a degree of impunity because its op­
eratives adhere to an unspoken rule: whenever possible,
criminal acts against individuals should target tourists
and travelers. Boromar pickpockets don't prey on the
people they see every day. Instead, they seek out the
many strangers who move around the city all the time.
The Watch officer who turns a blind eye to a pickpocket
thus feels justified, since it's not the citizens of Sham
that are victimized.
Boromar's longstanding status at the head of Sham's
criminal enterprises has recently come under challenge.
After nearly a decade of slow growth, the Droaamish
mob known as Daask has recently started targeting
Boromar holdings. The halfling clan hasn't faced such
a serious threat before, and it's scrambling to figure out
how to deal with Daask's guerrilla tactics.

The Boromar Clan has a hand in all types of crime in
Sharn. Most Boromar leaders despise unnecessary
violence, but the clan has a host of enforcers and a hand­
ful of capable assassins. The clan's web of extortion is
so thoroughly woven into society that many residents
simply consider it another form of tax. Boromar spe­
cializes in three fields of activity: gambling, smuggling,
and thievery.
Gambling isn't illegal in Sham, but all legal games are
taxed by the Brelish crown and are required to follow
regulations that spoil the experience for many. Boro­
mar's operations are cheaper to participate in and offer
the lure of greater profits.
Smuggling has become an increasingly important
business since the Last War disrupted many traditional
lines of trade. The clan's primary import is the narcotic
called dreamlily. But the Boromars traffic in a wide
range of goods, from arcane and alchemical weapons to
foreign luxury items that have been made scarce by em­
bargoes and sanctions. Under Boranel's law, it's forbid­
den to sell Aundairian wine in Breland, so if you want
the good stuff, you'll need to work with the Boromars.
Boromar-sanctioned acts of thievery include the ac­
tivities of the ubiquitous pickpockets that can be found
across the city as well as the well-planned jobs of profes­
sional burglars. As mentioned earlier, Boromar thieves
focus their attention on visitors to Sham, thus avoiding
friction with local law enforcement. When appropriate,
stolen goods are transported out of the city by the fences
and porters that drive the clan's smuggling operations.

The Boromar Clan employs people of all races, but most
of the organization and nearly all of its inner circle are
made up of halflings. Some of the organization's most
important people are these:

  • Saidan Boromar is the current patriarch of the family.
    He grew up in Lower Dura and worked as a thief and
    assassin there before taking over the organization.

  • Mala Boromar d'Jorasco is an heir of HouseJorasco
    and the Boromar family matriarch. Her position in
    the family ensures that important members of the
    Boromar Clan receiveJorasco healing services at no

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