Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
cost to them; Saidan reimbursesjorasco from the
clan's treasury.

  • Councilor Ilyra Boromar is the eldest daughter of
    Mala and Saidan and a member of the city council.
    The Boromars' enemies on the council have grown
    bolder in the face of increased Daask attacks against
    the clan, and some of Ilyra's influence has eroded
    as a result.

  • Halak Boromar is the family's chief enforcer. A recent
    immigrant from the Talenta Plains, Halak leads the
    Clawfoots, the Boromars' personal guard, and is an
    accomplished warrior.
    Ilsa Boromar is the family's leader in Callestan. She is
    ruthless in protecting her family's interests.

  • Castar, a gnome, is the lone non-halfling in the Boro­
    mars' inner circle. He serves as Saidan's chief advisor
    and the organization's intelligence expert. The fam­
    ily looks to Castar to come up with a plan to defeat
    Daask, but so far none of his ideas have worked.

The Boromars control gambling dens and nightclubs
throughout Sham. The finer establishments are places
for the Boromar Clan to wine, dine, bribe, and extort the
city's powerful elite. At the other end of the spectrum,
the run-down gambling halls and dreamlily dens in the
poorer districts are places where those in the employ of
the Boromars plan heists, store smuggled goods, hide
bodies and wanted criminals, interrogate Daask spies,
make good on threats, and unwind.
These places are public and expertly run by the city's
most powerful criminals, so an openly violent approach
to problem-solving in such a spot is likely to end in
tragedy for the characters. When combat does occur in
one of these nightclubs, it's usually because the instiga­
tors have brought enough strength of arms to take on
the Boromars.

The nightclub shown on map 4.12 could be tied to the
Boromar Clan, or it could be any Sham nightclub you
need it to be. Made to accommodate customers from
halflings to ogres, the club's double doorways are 10 feet
wide, and its ceilings are 15 feet tall. Hooks, shelves,
handrails, and furniture are provided at three different
levels and sizes.
The nightclub has three entrances. Two are connected
to the outside: a main entrance guarded by a bouncer
and a back door that is locked from inside. Another
locked entrance is connected to a stair that leads up and
down to other levels in the nightclub's tower.
The club's main entrance opens into an entry vesti­
bule. The attached cloakroom has a hidden door that
leads to a secret room where criminal meetings and ille­
gal activities take place.
The casino floor in the nightclub has tables running
games of chance, a bar, and a raised stage. Bathrooms,
a kitchen, and private rooms for high-roller games (and
more criminal meetings and illegal activities) are acces­
sible from the casino floor.
Boromar's security and management offices are
connected by a hallway to the casino floor, the secret

meeting room, and a second secret area used to store
illegal contraband or captives. Occupants of both offices
can see into these attached areas by way of magic one­
way mirrors.

The Shady Nightclub Adventures table offers reasons for
the characters to enter one of these dangerous places. If
the characters have a Boromar patron, that NPC could
use a shady nightclub as a base of operations.

d6 Adventure Goal
Get accepted into a private high-stakes card game,
and try to win the grand prize.
2 Find out which Sharn Watch captain has a private
meeting with a Boromar fence, and steal whatever the
captain is buying.
3 Track down a missing noble hunted by assassins.
4 Steal a hidden stash of dream lily.
5 Broker a deal with the Boromars on behalf of a city
councilor who's too scared to face the family in
6 Find evidence that could be used to blackmail a
member of a dragonmarked house.

With few exceptions, Boromar villains shun violence
and would prefer to bribe, deceive, or manipulate the
characters rather than send a squad of goons to attack
them. That said, any of these villains and their minions
will respond in kind if they are attacked or threatened.
Examples of Boromar Clan villains appear on the
Boromar Clan Villains table.

d6 Villain
A halfling dream lily dealer (an excoriate of House
Ghallanda) smooth-talks new customers into sam­
pling her wares. If pressed, she can call in favors from
a number of dangerous clients.
2 A judge known as "the Turnkey" always rules in favor
of Boromar Clan members.
3 A halfling pickpocket using alter self to pose as a
child of another race plants contraband on people the
Boromars are trying to frame.
4 A Boromar rogue has kidnapped the child of a
strongly anti-Boromar city councilor.
5 A kalashtar psychic serves the clan by detecting
thoughts that suggest possibilities for blackmail.
What stray thought might they pick up from an
6 A Boromar smuggler is bringing unstable explosives
or an especially addictive form of dream lily into
Sharn, and innocents are being hurt.



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