Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
The true power of the Boromar Clan lies in its institu­
tions: watch officers who have been allied to the clan
for generations, judges who are blackmailed into com­
pliance, and officials who receive lucrative bribes in ex­
change for their cooperation. Adventurers who oppose
the Boromars might discover that people they think of
as friends and allies are in the pocket of the clan. The
Boromars are villains in the noir tradition, and adven­
turers determined to tangle with them will be drawn
down into the mud.
The Boromar Clan could serve as a group patron for
a party of adventurers, as described in chapter 1. The
Boromar Clan Assignments table provides goals for
adventurers who are working with the clan, and the
"Crime Syndicate" section of chapter 1 includes addi­
tional ideas.

d6 Assignment
Find evidence of an affair between two members of
different dragon marked houses.
2 Collect from a fence who is late with a payment.
3 Steal the bank records of a city councilor.
4 Convince a Sharn Watch captain to aggressively root
out Daask operatives.
5 Retrieve a package of dreamlily that has gone astray.
6 Discover the location of a Daask safe house.


The Boromar Clan Adventure Hooks table presents
ideas for additional adventures themed around the
Boromar Clan.

d4 Adventure Hook
Daask forces capture Boromar family members who
are visiting Sharn from the Talenta Plains. The Boro­
mars offer a reward for the safe return of their family
and a larger reward for the kidnappers' heads, leading
to gang violence in the streets.
2 A beloved Sharn Watch captain who openly spoke out
against the Boromar Clan disappears. The Boromars
claim they had nothing to do with it, but some Sharn
Watch members use the incident as an excuse to go
after the organization.
3 A changeling stole a smuggled artifact of great value
from the Boromar Clan. Boromar enforcers shake
down people all over Sharn to find it, and clan leaders
consider going to war with the Tyrants.
4 The Boromars stage a festival in Callestan for
Saidan's birthday. All of the family's allies will be
there, creating opportunities for espionage and


Formed by monstrous immigrants from Droaam, Daask
has been building its power in the Khyber's Gate and
Malleon's Gate districts of Sham for the last decade. It
is most infamous for its monstrous enforcers, but the or­
ganization also draws members from the destitute pop­
ulace of Sham-largely goblins and shifters, but also hu­
mans, dwarves, and any other humanoid who feels that
the current system has failed them. Daask makes its
money through acts of violence, from mugging to armed
robbery to outright pillaging. The group has diversified
in recent years, building an extortion racket-threaten­
ing violence if tribute isn't paid-and entering into the
drug trade, selling both dreamlily and a mysterious sub­
stance called dragon's blood.
From the outside, Daask appears to be interested
solely in fomenting violence and chaos. The monstrous
nature of its members reinforces this impression; most
people consider the members of Daask to be savage
beasts. The truth is more complicated. The Droaamites
who make up the core of Daask aren't merely criminals;
they are elite soldiers of Droaam working for Sora Ka­
tra, and part of an operation that is taking root in larger
cities across Khorvaire. The seemingly random attacks
by Daask are part of a larger plan that, if it succeeds,
will eventually give Sora Katra a foothold in the heart of
Over the last two years, the Daask cell in Sham
has been waging a slowly escalating war against the
holdings of the Boromar Clan. The Boromars were sur­
prised by the violence of these attacks and have suffered
significant losses. Daask prefers guerrilla tactics, using
only as many combatants as necessary to get a job done,
never staying in one place too long, and quickly retreat­
ing back to their turf. Though the Boromars still control
much of criminal activity in the middle and upper parts
of Sham, Daask is gaining ground in the lower level of
the city and controls crime in the Cogs.

Violence and intimidation are Daask's most used
tools. Rather than using bribery, Daask manipulates
the Sham Watch through displays of force and brutal
reprisals against officers who dare to stand in the way.
Coupled with the fact that Daask primarily targets busi­
nesses with ties to the Boromars, this means that many
of the Watch officers of the lower wards will step aside
and allow a Daask raid to run its course.
As Daask has seized territory from the Boromar Clan,
it has also begun taking over a few of the clan's tradi­
tional businesses. In addition to dreamlily, Daask sells a
highly addictive drug called dragon's blood.
Daask has another, perhaps surprising area of oper­
ation: religion. The organization has brought priests of
the Dark Six to Sham and has restored a ruined temple
to the Dark Six in Khyber's Gate. Followers of the Dark
Six have few other opportunities to practice their faith,
and providing this new facility for them has made many
allies for Daask across the city.


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