Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
Daask's lower ranks are made up of goblinoids, humans,
shifters, and other humanoids recruited from the pop­
ulation of Sharn. The Droaamish soldiers that make
up the core of the organization include changelings,
gnolls, harpies, ogres, minotaurs, medusas, trolls, and
other monstrous beings. Basilis.ks, cockatrices, death
dogs, displacer beasts, and similar monsters are kept
by Daask, though these creatures are usually used only
within the Cogs.
Some of Daask's most important members are these

  • Sora Katra is the ultimate leader of Daask, but as one
    of the Daughters of Sora Kell, she remains in Droaam.
    The hag stays in contact with all of her main subor­
    dinates by magic and keeps a detailed ledger of the
    group's activities.

  • Cavallah is a disciplined female oni and the current
    leader of the Daask cell in Sharn. She is the mas­
    termind of the organization's machinations against
    the Boromar Clan, a scholar obsessed with studying
    Sharn's manifest zone, and a devoted servant of Sora
    Katra. The oni wears a hag eye (see "Hags" in the
    Monster Manual) that enables Sora Katra to both see
    and hear what occurs in her presence.

  • Barash, a male medusa, is Cavallah's right hand. He
    is a specialist in diplomacy and intimidation whom
    Cavallah trusts to monitor the members of Daask and
    maintain morale.
    Ash is a female human priest of the Shadow. As the
    most powerful and beloved of Daask's priests, she
    runs the Temple of the Six. Some worry that Ash
    plans to challenge Cavallah for leadership, which
    could cause a rift in the organization's membership.

  • The gnoll Keshta commands a small unit of elite gnoll
    commandos. Disciplined and ruthless, these soldiers
    are often called upon to carry out retaliatory strikes
    against those who defy Daask.
    Zaeran, an elf werewolf, is a recent arrival to Sharn.
    He's one of the sons of the Droaamish warlord Zaeurl.
    Zaeran has come to the city with a small group of wer­
    erats and werewolves, and has an agenda known only
    to himself and Sora Katra.

Daask members congregate in safe houses that are hard
to find and easy to defend or escape from. The most
popular gathering location is a Cog hub. The dark, twist­
ing halls of these underworld hot spots are familiar to
Daask members and confusing to their enemies. A Cog
hub's tight passages have plenty of choke points, forcing
one-on-one confrontations in which Daask's powerful
monsters often have the advantage. Daask also uses
Cog hubs to stash bodies, drugs, or prisoners.
Trying to find a Daask hub in the Cogs is an adventure
in itself. Most members are understandably tight-lipped
about the location of their meeting and hiding places.
Once the characters know a hub's location, they still
must navigate the mazelike Cogs to find the place.


The Cog hub shown in map 4.13 could be a Daask loca­
tion, or it could be any Sharn underworld location you
need it to be. Several crafted and natural labyrinthine
passages no more than 10 feet wide lead to the main
chamber. Many of these passages connect with stairs,
ladders, and wells that lead higher or lower in the Cogs,
in addition to small chambers that could be ambush
points, temporary quarters for criminals or squatters, or
places to lay a trap or place an alarm trigger.
These passages converge into a single large chamber
that can hold a large group for meetings and serve as
a temporary safe house or a place to stash contraband.
When criminals occupy the area, at least one guard is
always on duty, and typically there is one guard at every
entrance to the chamber.
Smaller rooms with heavy iron doors adjoin the larg­
est chamber. These rooms can serve as holding cells for
captives, vaults for valuables, or hiding spots.

The Cog Hub Adventures table offers reasons why your
characters might need to visit such a location. In addi­
tion, the characters could meet with a Daask patron in
a Cog hub.

dlO Adventure Goal
Obtain samples of dragon's blood hidden in the Cog
2 Infiltrate a Daask meeting to discover the next Boro­
mar Clan holding they plan to target.
3 Capture a Daask worg and replace it with a worg loyal
to the Boromar Clan.
4 Sniff out a traitor among Daask lieutenants.
5 Escape the Cog hub after being captured by Daask
6 Kick out squatters to get the Cog hub ready to serve
as a Daask safe house.
7 Assault Daask members meeting in the Cog hub to
disrupt the organization.
8 Defend a Daask Cog hub from a Boromar Clan attack.
9 Rescue an injured Daask soldier hidden inside a Cog
hub that has been taken over by the Boromar Clan.
10 Place a lethal trap in a Cog hub, to be triggered the
next time Daask forces enter the place.

If Daask villains want something, they take it, and they
destroy anything that gets in their way. Though some
members of the organization are brutes, many are more
cunning than they appear. Often what seems to be ran­
dom violence might be motivated by something other
than greed and cruelty.
Examples of Daask villains appear on the Daask Vil­
lains table.
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