Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1
obstacles in their way. Can the adventurers find a way to
remove their rival from power?
Another option is to focus a story on Commander
Iyanna and her efforts to purge corruption from the
Watch. A chance encounter could bring the two to­
gether; perhaps the adventurers are on the scene when
Iyanna is targeted by assassins. Iyanna could call on the
adventurers to investigate corruption and to deal with of­
ficers who are breaking their oaths. How deep are they
willing to go?
If the adventurers do form an alliance with a Watch
officer, you can use the Sham Watch Assignments table
to create adventure hooks for parties and side quests for
individual characters-cases their ally doesn't trust the
Watch regulars to handle fairly.

d8 Assignment
Solve a murder that occurred in Skyway.
2 Find a dreamlily den and arrest the place's owner and
its supplier.
3 Protect an ambassador from Sarlona who is joining a
Morgrave University expedition to the Cogs.
4 Monitor the Lyrandar Tower airship dock for a specific
criminal reportedly trying to leave the city.
5 Apprehend a war criminal rumored to be arriving in
Sharn by lightning rail, and deliver the criminal to the
nearest Watch station.
6 Take a visiting dignitary on a tour of the city and keep
them happy.
7 Venture into the bowels of the city to find a wanted
terrorist who has kidnapped a magewright and stolen
the parts needed to build an explosive device.
8 Handle a prisoner exchange-one captured criminal
for one captured Sharn Watch officer.


The Sham Watch Adventure Hooks table presents
ideas for additional adventures themed around the
Sham Watch.


d4 Adventure Hook
The Sharn Watch cracks down on Daask, which leads
to violent confrontations in the city's lower wards.
2 The Sharn Inquisitive publishes an article claiming
that changelings of the Tyrants have stolen the iden­
tities of many Watch officers, leading to citywide dis­
trust of the organization.
3 After a Thrane immigrant opens a sealed entrance to
Old Sham's ruins, the Guardians of the Gate do not
allow anyone in or out ofSharn until the immigrant is
found and the entrance is resealed.
4 Agents of the Blackened Book find scrying sensors in
Sharn Watch stations throughout the city.
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