Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1

Once the players are ready to begin, read or paraphrase
the following boxed text to them:

An orange glow covers the top of Lyrandar Tower as the
sun sinks in the sky. Above, the great airships of House
Lyrandar float like leviathans surrounded by brilliant
rings of elemental energy. Below, bridges crisscross at all
levels of the city, connecting Sharn's great towers. The
sounds of crying children, barking vendors, cursing sky­
coach drivers, and braying hippogriffs rise up to become
a unique din that can only be heard in the City of Towers.
Each of you carries a letter from your acquaintance
Sergeant Germaine Vilroy of the Sharn Watch that reads,
"I'm calling on you for a job. I can't write the details, but
it pays well and requires your skills. Meet me at the air­
ship dock on top of Lyrandar Tower. Come armed."

Have the players introduce their characters to each
other, if they aren't already acquainted. Ask characters
who aren't from Sham how they arrived, perhaps on an
airship (likely paid for by Germaine whose Kundarak ac­
count is flush with Boromar gold) or a lightning rail. For
characters who are Sham natives, provide a brief de­
scription of various districts that fit the characters' back­
grounds if needed using the information in chapter 3.
This is also a good time for characters to make per­
sonal connections that might link them, such as having
the same birthplace, fighting for the same side in the
Last War, or having common backgrounds or interests.
Once the characters' relationships to one another have
been established, read or paraphrase the following
boxed text to the players:

As darkness descends on the city, you see windows light
up the towers around you from bottom to top. A cool
wind whisks between you, drowning out the other noises
of the city. A nea rby lift rises, carrying a human in her
mid-thirties with close cropped black hair and a glowing
pipe in her mouth. Germaine gives a wry smile as she
nods to you all, saying, "Thanks for coming."

Sergeant Germaine Vilroy (neutral female Brelish
human veteran) greets the characters then gets down
to business.


Germaine is gruff and doesn't like wasting time. She
gives the characters the information she has and tries
to send them on their way before they can ask questions
about her involvement in the case. The sooner the char­
acters solve her problem, the sooner she can get back to
collecting extra money from the Boromar Clan for doing
nothing other than ignoring their crimes.


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It seems the Sham Watch is outsourcing more and more
of their jobs to contractors, also known as adventurers,
also known as mercenaries, which is what these blood­
soaked hirelings are. While many of these second-rate
thugs act like they have the absolute authority of the
Sham Watch, know your rights! These sellswords can
get away with atrocities, including murder, but only
if such crimes are committed in the pursuit of their
contracts. Should one of these ruffians steal from or
harm you or your loved ones for no reason other than
their barbaric attitudes, report them to the Watch and
this publication immediately. The Sham Watch is bound
by law to arrest these hooligans when they show their
criminal natures.

Germaine gives the characters the following
Germaine has an appointment to meet with a war­
forged named Coal, who claims to have knowledge
of a crime being committed in Old Sham. Germaine
wants the party to meet with Coal first and see if what
she says adds up. Germaine is worried that, with her
status as a Watch sergeant, her presence will call un­
due attention and endanger Coal.

  • Germaine can give the characters 25 gp each now and
    another 50 gp each if they bring in Coal.

  • If the characters consent to meet with Coal, Germaine
    provides the location of the Cog Carnival, a bar in
    High Walls frequented by warforged, and the ap­
    pointed meeting time.

  • Germaine also provides a Sham Watch writ of en­
    forcement. The writ authorizes the bearers to conduct
    official duties of the Watch under Sergeant Vilroy's au­
    thority. City workers and other members of the Watch
    respect the writ, sometimes grudgingly, as long as the
    characters don't engage in flagrantly illegal activity.
    Germaine tries to play up her concern for Coal as her
    reason for hiring the characters, but a character who
    succeeds on a Wisdom (Insight) check contested by the
    Germaine's Charisma (Deception) check can sense that
    she's holding something back. A character who talks to
    Germaine privately and succeeds on a DC 13 Charisma
    (Persuasion) check gets her to reveal that she some­
    times takes money from the Boromar Clan to look into
    crimes, and the family is interested in Coal's informa­
    tion (though Germaine also points out that the charac­
    ters really are Coal's best shot at surviving this ordeal,

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