Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1



"Forgotten Relics" is a short adventure for a party of
four to six 1st-level characters, who advance to 2nd level
by the adventure's conclusion. It is set in Sham and
serves as an introduction to the city. A balance of char­
acter classes is helpful, since the adventurers will face a
variety of challenges.


Niho Koi, an imposing oni and Daask sub-boss in
Sham, ordered a half-ogre lieutenant named Garra to
assemble a team and search the ruins of Old Sham for
arcane relics at the behest of someone much higher
up in the organization. With a lot of ground to cover
beneath the City of Towers, Garra kidnapped Caden
d'Orien, the only son of Alden d'Orien, forcing Alden to
use his position in his dragonmarked house to recruit
out-of-work warforged-people no one would miss-to
scour Old Sham's ruins. Alden branded the work as a
"secret research-gathering mission" for his house, paid
the warforged workers for their silence, and signed
them to binding contracts.
It took several weeks of dangerous exploring and a
few deaths, but eventually the warforged workers found
a library of arcane texts and schemas buried in the
ruins. These items were moved to a Daask safe house
in Tavick's Landing near the Terminus Lightning Rail
station. The organization plans to smuggle the relics out
Breland to Droaam with Alden's help.
Coal, a destitute warforged hired by Alden, witnessed
her good friend Razor die, executed in the ruins of Old
Sham as an example to the other workers. Coal made
an appointment to talk to Sergeant Germaine Vilroy of
the Sham Watch, to report the shady operation, Razor's
murder, and the kidnapping of the House Orien scion,
Caden. Thanks to crooked members of the Sham Watch
in Daask's pocket, Garra found out about the appoint­
ment and dispatched killers to prevent Coal from ratting
out the operation.
Germaine is also crooked, but she is on the payroll of
the Boromar Clan crime syndicate, whose members are
enemies of Daask. Not wanting to put the Sham Watch
or herself between two criminal organizations at war,
Germaine called in a few old contacts to meet with Coal
and find out what's going on.


This adventure requires the fifth edition D&D rulebooks
(Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and
Monster Manual). You should read the entire adventure
before attempting to run it. If you'd prefer to play, you
shouldn't read any farther.

Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be read
aloud or paraphrased for the players when their charac·
ters first arrive at a location or under a specific circum­
stance, as described in the text.


The Monster Manual contains statistics for many of the
creatures found in this adventure. When a creature's
name appears in bold type, that's a visual cue pointing
you to the creature's stat block in the Monster Manual.
If the stat block appears elsewhere, the adventure's text
tells you so.

The adventure begins one evening in Upper Central
Plateau, where the characters meet Sergeant Germaine
Vilroy, who hires them to meet with a warforged named
Coal, hear her out, and bring her back to Vilroy for fur­
ther questioning. Coal has already been told to wait for
the characters at the Cog Carnival, a warforged bar in
the High Walls district of Lower's Tavick's Landing.
After talking to Coal and learning her employer was
Alden d'Orien, the characters are confronted by Daask
forces sent to kill Coal. If they survive the fight, the char­
acters can meet with Alden in the Mithra! Tower district
Upper Central Plateau. The scion stays tight-lipped,
but Vishtai, Alden's kalashtar bodyguard, telepathically
gives the characters directions to the Old Sham ruin
where Caden d'Orien is imprisoned.
If Caden is rescued and returned to his father, Alden
shares what he knows of Daask's operation and tells the
characters where to find Garra. The half-ogre knows
the characters are coming for her. She tries to flee on a
lightning rail while drawing them into a trap. If the char­
acters chase down the half-ogre, she attempts to make
a deal to keep her freedom, which they can either refuse
or accept, setting the stage for further adventures.

Before the adventure begins, inform each character
that they are an acquaintance of Sergeant Germaine
Vilroy of the Sham Watch, a Brelish veteran of the Last
War. Ask each character to come up with a friendly
connection to Germaine, or have them choose or roll on
the Germaine Connections table. If a rolled connection
doesn't make sense with the character's background,
simply roll for a new connection or choose one that
seems appropriate.

d6 Connection
You served alongside Germaine during the Last War.
2 You have been friends with Germaine since at least
one of you was a child.
3 Germaine saved your life.
4 You saved Germaine's life.
5 You had several friendly conversations with Germaine
during a long airship or lightning rail journey.
6 Germaine helpej_you _ while you were living in or visit­
ing Sham.
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