Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1

While the characters were off rescuing Caden d'Orien,
Garra captured and interrogated Sergeant Vilroy and
learned about the characters' meddling. In this section,
Garra orders a changeling namedJas to adopt Sergeant
Vilroy's appearance and lead the characters into a trap.


Jas (neutral evil changeling; see chapter 6) approaches
the characters in the guise of Sergeant Vilroy sometime
after they leave Mithra! Tower. Read or paraphrase the
following boxed text to the players when this occurs:

As you cross a bridge that views the city from a dizzying
height, you hear a familiar voice from above. "Need a
lift?" asks Sergeant Vilroy as she descends toward you in
a skycoach.

"Vilroy" urges the characters to board the skycoach and
share what they have learned thus far. If the characters
mention Garra's safe house, the changeling tells them
there's no time to waste and suggests the skycoach is
the fastest means of getting there. If the characters
ask the sergeant how she found them, the changeling
replies, "I work for the Sham Watch. Knowing things is
my job!" If the characters accept the ride, the skycoach

takes them to area Tl of Terminus. Unknown to Jas,
Garra has also arranged for a Daask strike team to at­
tack the skycoach en route.
Any character who suspects that "Vilroy" is hiding
something can make a Wisdom (Insight) check con­
tested by the changeling's Charisma (Deception) check.
A character who wins the contest detects slight differ­
ences in the sergeant's facial expressions, suggesting
that she's not the same person the party interacted with
previously. Jas doesn't have details of any prior conver­
sations the party had with the real Sergeant Vilroy and
flubs any sustained questioning.
If the characters realize they're not dealing with the
real Sergeant Vilroy and confront the changeling,Jas
leaps out of the skycoach, uses a feather token (see
chapter 5) to land safely, and flees into the crowded city.
Each character has one turn to act before the unpiloted
skycoach crashes. A character proficient with air vehi­
cles who makes a successful DC 12 Intelligence check
as an action gains control of the skycoach and stops it
from falling. If the coach crashes, the characters are
thrown from it as it hurdles down. Use the Falling in
Sham table in chapter 3 to determine what happens to
characters who fall. The party has three rounds to catch
Jas before the changeling adopts a new guise.
If the characters capture Jas, the changeling reveals
that Garra is leaving Sham on a lightning rail bound for
Wroat. The changeling doesn't know about Garra's trap
and simply has instructions to deliver the characters.

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