Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1


As the characters travel to Terminus either on foot or
by skycoach, they are accosted by a Daask strike team
consisting of five gnolls. Garra has sent the gnolls to
kill the characters if possible, or at least soften them up
before they arrive at her Terminus safe house. You can
describe them to the players as follows:

Zipping between the towers of Sham and converging on
your location are five creatures riding disks of crackling
green energy. Each creature is a lanky humanoid covered
in fur, with the head of a hyena. They cackle maniacally,
nock arrows, and take aim at you with their longbows.

Each gnoll rides a magical, 3-foot-diameter disk that
can support up to 250 pounds. A creature on a disk can
use its bonus action to move the disk up to 60 feet in any
direction-fast enough to keep pace with the skycoaches
of Sham. A disk otherwise hovers in place. These disks
were created using a spell similar to Tenser's floating
disk that was cast by a Daask wizard who does not ap­
pear in this adventure. The spell ends in 30 minutes,
after which the disks disappear.
The gnolls initially keep their distance, peppering the
characters with arrows. The gnolls become frustrated
and close to melee range if the characters take advan­
tage of cover and the gnolls' ranged attacks prove inef­
fective. Once three gnolls are disposed of, the remainder
flee on their disks or on foot.


Terminus in Lower Tavick's Landing is named for
Terminus Station, a massive House Orien enclave that
serves as the endpoint for the Orien lightning rail. Map
4.14 shows a cross-section and floor plan of the station.
The Terminus district is right near Wroann's Gate, most
travelers' entry point into Sham. It bustles with crowds,
pickpockets, con artists, and other criminals looking to
take advantage of the city's visitors.
Garra has an apartment in Terminus where she left a
trap for the characters. The half-ogre took the books and
schemas recovered in Old Sham's ruins and boarded a
lightning rail bound for Wroat that's about to leave Ter­
minus Station.

The buildings in Terminus are made of stone. Their
walls require a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
check to climb without equipment. The interior areas of
buildings are built to accommodate creatures of various
sizes and have 15-foot-high ceilings and doorways.
A building's doors are made of wood. Each door has
AC 15, 27 hit points, and immunity to poison and psy­
chic damage. If a door is locked, its lock can be picked
with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check with thieves'
tools, and the door can be forced open with a successful
DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check.


Everbright lanterns (see chapter 5) hanging from the
ceilings and walls illuminate interior areas.
Buildings in Terminus have openable glass windows
large enough that a Medium or smaller creature can fit
through one without a problem, while a Large creature
can squeeze through. These windows have AC 13, 4 hit
points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
The windows can be locked from the inside. A character
that succeeds on a DC 15 Dexterity check with thieves'
tools unlocks a window from the outside.
If a creature makes a Strength (Athletics) check to
shove another creature against a window (see "Shoving
a Creature" in chapter 9 of the Player's Handbook) and
succeeds on the check by 5 or more, the window's glass
is destroyed and the shoved creature fa lls through the
window's opening (see "Falling" below).

Terminus has busy streets, and most of the visitors
and residents flee at the first sign of trouble. However,
some bystanders might assist the party in their fight
with Daask. Kraz, described below, is one example of a
helpful bystander.
Kraz is a gnoll porter who has endured several run­
ins with Daask criminals in the past and bears them no
love. At the time of your choosing, Kraz rushes a mem­
ber of Daask and knocks the affected creature prone.
Consider having Kraz intervene in area T14.

Use the Falling in Sham table in chapter 3 when a crea­
ture falls through a window or off the top of a bridge or
structure in the higher levels of Terminus and doesn't
have a way to land safely (such as the feather fall spell).

The Sham Watch has a modest presence in Terminus.
Its guards defend wealthy visitors and the holdings of
House Orien. If combat breaks out in the streets or if a
bystander calls for the Sham Watch, roll a d20 on initia­
tive count 0 during each round the disturbance occurs.
On a result of 18 or higher, ld4 Sham Watch guards
arrive and attempt to arrest anyone involved in a crime.

Several members of Daask are stationed in Terminus,
ready to attack the characters to give Garra a chance to
get away. Unless noted otherwise, members of Daask
attack the characters, fighting until reduced to half hit
points then fleeing. If any member of Daask is captured,
a character who makes a successful DC 12 Charisma
(Intimidation) check gets the Daask member to reveal
that Garra is leaving Sham on a lightning rail bound
for Wroat.

If the characters are traveling withJas (see "Skycoach
Ride" earlier in the adventure), the changeling attempts
to lead them into the trap laid in Garra's safe house
(area T4b). The changeling attacks the characters the
first time they battle other members of Daask.
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