Eberron - Rising from the Last War

(Jeff_L) #1

The sound of lightning rail trains stopping and starting
elsewhere in Terminus Station echoes throughout the
platform. A crowd of people is gathered near a lightning
rail train crackling with arcs of blue energy. "If you're
headed to Wroat, you'll have to catch the next one!" cries
a conductor in the livery of House Orien as the train be·
gins moving out of the station.

A crowd of 2d10 commoners and 2d4 nobles gathers
on the platform along with six hostile human bandits
who belong to Daask. The bandits are here to cover Gar­
ra's escape and attack characters who try to board the
departing train.
To catch Garra, the characters need to board the light­
ning rail train leaving the station. The coach has ten
cars: a helm car (at the front), a first-class car, a galley
car, a dining car, two standard cars, two sleeper cars, a
steerage car, and a cargo car (at the rear).
The characters have 30 seconds (5 rounds) to catch
the coach before it leaves Terminus Station. A character
can jump onto a lightning rail car by making a success­
ful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. A character who
fails this check takes 3 (ld6) bludgeoning damage and
falls prone on the platform. At the start of round six, the
coach moves 20 feet per round for three rounds before
accelerating to top speed.
Left at the Station. If none of the characters board
the lightning rail train, Garra gets away with the books
and schemas found in Old Sham's ruins. A more likely
scenario is that one or more characters are left behind
as the others board the train. In this case, keep the ini­
tiative order and alternate between the characters stuck
on the platform with the Daask bandits and the charac­
ters exploring the train. The characters who remain at
the station can seek out an adventurous skycoach driver
and bribe them to fly after the train before making a DC
13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to leap onto the roof of a
train car safely. Characters who fail the check take fall
prone on the roof of the car and take bludgeoning dam­
age based on the distance fallen (ld6 per 10 feet).


After making it onto the lightning rail train, the charac­
ters must explore it to find Garra.


Each car has a human conductor (commoner) wearing
the livery of House Orien. When a character enters a
car, the conductor asks to see the character's ticket. If
the character doesn't have a ticket, the conductor de­
mands the character pay 15 gp (the price of the ticket
plus a modest fine) or face armed guards who attempt
to arrest the character at the next stop. A character who
makes a successful DC 14 Charisma (Intimidation or
Persuasion) check convinces the conductor to stand
down without the character paying. If the character can't
pay and fails to convince the conductor to stand down,


this conductor sends word throughout the train to the
other conductors to keep an eye on the character.
If the characters move outside the coach, they must ei­
ther move along the roof or cling to the sides of the train
cars to find Garra.
Walking on Rooftops. A creature moving across the
train car roofs must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Ac­
robatics) check to keep its balance. A creature that fails
this check by 4 or less slips and falls prone on the roof.
A creature that fails this check by 5 or more falls off the
train and takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.
Climbing the Sides. A creature climbing along the
sides of the cars must succeed on a DC 10 Strength
(Athletics) check to hang on. A creature that fails this
check almost loses its grip and makes no progress. A
creature that fails this check by 5 or more falls off the
train and takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.

When the characters peer into the foremost cabin of the
first-class car, read or paraphrase the following:

An eight-foot-tall muscular woman with a tusked, pro­
truding jaw lounges on a couch in a luxury passenger
car. She reads the Sham Inquisitive and keeps a battleaxe
within arm's reach. A wooden chest rests by her feet, and
a table lined with fine foods and bottles of spirits stands
close by.

Garra paid for the privilege of a private car. She is a cha­
otic evil half-ogre with Intelligence and Wisdom scores
of 14 (+2). Her passive Wisdom (Perception) score is 12.
Rot, a chaotic evil male sprite that works for Daask, is
also in the car and invisible when the characters enter.
The sprite is Garra's servant-a gift from Niho Koi. If
the characters attack Garra, Rot shoots at them with his
bow; if Garra falls, the sprite flees. Rot's mind has been
warped by Niho Koi's magic, and he can't provide any
useful information to the characters if captured.
If Garra feels outnumbered, she smashes the closest
window and climbs onto the roof, where she can more
easily shove enemies off the train.

Garra has no remorse when it comes to her crimes and
can always rationalize her behavior. When she notices
the characters, Garra puts up her hands to indicate she
means them no harm. She is impressed that the charac­
ters managed to catch up with her. The half-ogre offers
a 100 gp bribe to the group for the characters to tell the
Sham Watch she escaped and have that be the end of
it. If the characters express interest in joining Daask,
she chuckles asks why they'd do such a thing, and if
she's satisfied with the answer, obliges. Garra pays new
recruits 100 gp each, promises there is more reward to
come, and says the characters' first task is to help her
transport the chest to Droaam from Wroat. If the char­
acters refuse, Garra attacks. Garra is willing to die for
Daask and fights accordingly.
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