7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
304 304 Proportions and SimilarityProportions and Similarity

If you have a passion for amusement parks, a great imagination, and enjoy building
things, you might want to consider a career in roller coaster design. things, you might want to consider a career in roller coaster design. Roller coaster Roller coaster
designersdesigners combine creativity, engineering, mathematics, and physics to develop combine creativity, engineering, mathematics, and physics to develop
rides that are both exciting and safe. In order to analyze data and make precise rides that are both exciting and safe. In order to analyze data and make precise
calculations, a roller coaster designer must have a solid background in high school calculations, a roller coaster designer must have a solid background in high school
math and science.math and science.

in Design Engineering

Are you interested in a career as a roller
coaster designer? Take some of the following
courses in high school.

  • Algebra • Physics

  • Calculus • Trigonometry

  • Geometry

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