7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

(^) Problem Solving in Design Engineering Problem Solving in Design Engineering 305305
Use the information in the table to solve each problem.

  1. In a scale drawing of SheiKra, a designer uses a scale of 1 inch = 16 feet.
    What is the height of the roller coaster in the drawing?

  2. On a model of Montu, the height of the loop is 13 inches. What is the scale?

  3. In a scale drawing of Montu, the height of the roller coaster is 10 inches. What
    is the scale factor?

  4. SheiKra has a hill that goes through a tunnel. On a model of the roller coaster,
    the hill is 23 inches tall and the scale is 1 inch = 6 feet. What is the actual
    height of the tunnel hill?

  5. An engineer is building a model of SheiKra. She wants the model to be about
    32 inches high. Choose an appropriate scale for the model. Then use it to find
    the loop height of the model.

Roller Coaster Coaster Height (ft) Loop Height (ft)

SheiKra 200 145

Montu 150 104

GLE 0706.1.7

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