7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
SOCCER Use the Madison Mavericks team statistics to Madison Mavericks
Team Statistics
Wins 10
Losses 12
Ties 8

write each ratio as a fraction in simplest form.

  1. wins : losses 2. losses : ties

  2. losses : games played 4. wins : games played

CARNIVALS Brighton Middle School had 6 food booths and 15 games
booths at its carnival. A total of 66 adults and 165 children attended. The
carnival raised a total of $1,600. Of this money, $550 came from ticket sales.
Write each ratio as a fraction in simplest form.

  1. children : adults 6. food booths : games booths

  2. children : games booths 8. booths : money raised

  3. people : children 10. non-ticket sales money : total money

Determine whether the ratios are equivalent. Explain.

  1. 20 female lions to 8 male lions, 12. $4 for every 16 ounces,
    34 female lions to 10 male lions $10 for every 40 ounces

  2. 24 guests to 3 tables, 14. 8 roses to 6 babies breath,
    32 guests to 4 tables 12 roses to 10 babies breath

  3. 20 cards to 22 envelopes, 16. 3 basketballs to 12 players,
    80 cards to 88 envelopes 4 basketballs to 20 players

  4. BAKING It is recommended that ham be baked 1 hour for every 2 pounds.
    Latrell baked a 9-pound ham for 4.5 hours. Did he follow the
    recommendation? Justify your answer.

  5. FISHING Katrina catches two similar looking fish. The larger fish is
    12 inches long and 3 inches wide. The smaller fish is 6 inches long and
    1 inch wide. Do these fish have equivalent length-to-width ratios? Justify
    your answer.

  6. MUSIC The pitch of a musical note is measured by the number of sound
    waves per second, or hertz. If the ratio of the frequencies of two notes
    can be simplified to common fractions, the two notes are harmonious.
    Use the information below to determine if notes E and G are harmonious.
    E : 330 Hertz G : 396 Hertz

Lesson 4 Ratios 15

Real-World Link
For Western
music, the
standard tuning
pitch is 440 hertz,
which produces
the A note. Tuning
forks are used to
tune musical


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