7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
of GLE 0606.3.4. Use
expressions, equations
and formulas to solve

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The Pentagon
The Pentagon in Washington, D.C., is the
headquarters of the nation’s Defense
Department. Although it has 17.5 miles
of hallways, it takes at most seven
minutes to walk between any two points
because of its unusual design.

PENTAGON The sides of a regular polygon are equal in length. The
Pentagon in Washington, D.C., is an example of a regular pentagon. The
length of each exterior wall measures 921 feet. What is the perimeter of
the exterior of the Pentagon?

The distance around a geometric figure is called the perimeter.

Find the Perimeter

PENTAGON Refer to the information above. Suppose you walked
the perimeter of the Pentagon. What is the total distance you
P = 5 s Perimeter of a regular pentagon
P = 5( 921 ) Replace s with 921.
P = 4,605 Multiply.
You walked 4,605 feet.

a. ART A poster in the shape of a triangle has side lengths of
25 centimeters, 30 centimeters, and 35 centimeters. What is the
perimeter of the poster?
b. PHYSICAL EDUCATION In physical education class, Mrs. Uhrlacher
had the students run around the perimeter of the gym twice.
The gym is 111 feet long and 107 feet wide. How far did the
students run?

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