7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Square Roots


Lesson 3

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GLE 0706.2.5
Understand and work with
squares, cubes, square roots
and cube roots. SPI 0706.2.4
Determine the approximate
location of square/cube roots
on a number line. Also
addresses GLE 0706.1.2,
GLE 0706.1.8, SPI 0706.2.3.

Lesson 3C Square Roots 57

Estimate Square Roots

Estimate the square root of 27.

  • Arrange 27 tiles into the largest square

  • Add tiles to make the next larger

  • The square root of 27 is between 5 and 6.
    Since 27 is much closer to 25 than 36, the
    square root of 27 is closer to 5 than 6.

Use algebra tiles to estimate the square root
of each number to the nearest whole number.

  1. 40 2. 28 3. 85 4. 62

  2. Describe another method that you could use to estimate the
    square root of a number.

The square root of a perfect square is an integer. You can estimate the
square root of a number that is not a perfect square.

Estimate a Square Root

Estimate √ 78 to the nearest whole number.
List some perfect squares. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36,
49, 64, 81, ...
The first perfect square less than 78 is 64. √  64 = 8
The first perfect square more than 78 is 81. √  81 = 9


64 78 81


So, √78 is between 8 and 9. Since 78 is much closer to 81 than to
64, the best whole number estimate is 9. Verify with a calculator.

a. Estimate √ 50 to the nearest whole number.

Main Idea
Estimate square roots.

irrational number
cube root


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