7th Grade Math

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
58 Expressions and Patterns

Numbers like √2 , √ 50 , and √ 78 are not perfect squares. These
numbers have square roots that are irrational numbers. A number
that cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers is an irrational

SCIENCE Physicist and mathematician Galileo performed an
experiment by dropping stones from the edge of the Leaning
Tower of Pisa. The formula t =
_ 4 represents the time t in seconds

that it takes an object to fall from a height of h feet. If the tower is
180 feet tall, estimate the time it took the stones to hit the ground.
First estimate the value of √ 180.
169 < 180 < 196 169 and 196 are the closest perfect squares.
132 < 180 < 142 169 = 13^2 and 196 = 14^2
√ 13 ^2 < √  180 < √  142 Find the square root of each number.
13 < √  180 < 14 Simplify.
Since 180 is closer to 169 than 196, the best whole number estimate
for √ 180 is 13. Use this value to evaluate the expression.

t =
√ h
_ 4 ≈ _^134 or 3.25

So, stones dropped from the Leaning Tower of Pisa would take
about 3.25 seconds to hit the ground.

b. Estimate the time for an object to fall if dropped from the
observation deck of the Eiffel Tower at 311 feet.

Everyday Use
Irrational lacking usual or
normal clarity, as in
irrational thinking
Math Use
Irrational a number that
cannot be expressed as the
ratio of two integers

Example 1 Estimate each square root to the nearest whole number.

  1. √  39 2. √  106 33 √  90 4. √  140

  2. MEASUREMENT The diagram shows the floor plan of a


Area = x
105 ft^2

square kitchen. What is the approximate length of one
side of the kitchen floor? Round to the nearest whole

Example 2 6. SPEED A vehicle’s speed can be estimated based on the
length of the skid marks made by the car tires using the
formula s = √ 24 m , where s represents the speed in miles per hour and m
represents the length of the skid in feet. A car leaves a mark that is 10 feet
long. Estimate the speed of the vehicle.

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