Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


HINT: The stages of
the cell cycle
telophase) can be
remembered by
using the

In plant cells there
are no centrioles to
move to the poles,
so spindle fibres
form in the

  1. Metaphase

During metaphase, chromosomes line up on theequatorof the cell. The chromosomes
appear in a straight line across the middle of the cell. Each chromosome is attached to the
spindle fibres by its centromere.

Schematic diagram: animal cell Micrograph: plant cell

  1. Anaphase

During anaphase the chromatids are pulled to opposite poles of the cell by the shortening of
the spindle fibres. The chromatids are now calleddaughter chromosomes.

Schematic diagram: animal cell Micrograph: plant cell

  1. Telophase

During telophase, a nuclear membrane reforms around the daughter chromosomes that have
gathered at each of the poles. The daughter chromosomes uncoil to form chromatin once
again. The nuclear membrane reforms.

Chapter 4. Cell division 101
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