Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Schematic diagram: animal cell Micrograph: plant cell

  1. Cytokinesis

The cytoplasm then divides during a process calledcytokinesis. Cytokinesis is not a stage
of mitosis but the process of the cytoplasm splitting into two. In an animal cell the cell
membrane constricts. Thisinvaginationor in-folding of the cytoplasm divides the cell in
two. In a plant cell across wallis formed by thecell platedividing the cytoplasm in two.

Schematic diagram: animal cell Micrograph

There are now twogenetically identicaldaughter cells which are identical to the parent cell
and to each other.

4.3 The role of mitosis

The process of mitosis is essential for growth and repair processes of eukaryotic organisms:
mitosis is how we are able to replace our fingernails and hair as well as how our skin is
replaced. The table below summarises the role of mitosis in various processes in eukaryotic

102 4.3. The role of mitosis

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