Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
d) all of the above

  1. Describe how light intensity is responsible for an increase or decrease in the transpira-
    tion rate.

  2. Study the two graphs below which show water loss from a plant over a period of time,
    and answer the following question:

Which graph could show water loss under increasing external humidity? Give reasons
for your answer.

  1. Describe how each of the following adaptations results in a decrease in the transpira-
    tion rate:
    a) Spiny leaves
    b) Rolled leaves
    c) Waxy cuticle

  2. Complete the following sentences:
    a) Translocation refers to the ...
    b) Xylem tissue in plants is responsible for the transport of ...
    c) The roots absorb water through the ...

  3. Draw a table showing how the structure of root hairs is adapted for their function.

188 6.5. Summary

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