Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
a) When the Starter’s gun is fired, the athlete’s right leg will straighten, pushing the
athlete upwards and forwards. Which of the letters (A to F) indicate muscles that
i. Relax
ii. Contract
b) The leg shown in the diagram has different types of joints. Which of the following
letters (A to F) indicates:
i. A hinge joint
ii. A ball and socket joint

  1. Skeleton and Movement – True or False? If it is false provide a reason for why you
    think the statement is false.
    a) The skeleton’s role is to provide support, protection and capacity for movement.
    b) The skeleton is divided into the axial and appendicular skeleton.
    c) The axial skeleton consists of the pectoral and pelvic girdles and their attached
    d) Carpals are found in the ankles and tarsals in the wrists.
    e) The biceps muscle raises the arm while the triceps lowers it in an antagonistic
    f) Synovial liquid lubricates joints and keeps them friction free.
    g) Bone joints in the cranium are examples of fibrous joints.
    h) The neck contains 7 lumbar vertebrae.
    i) Tendons join muscles to bone and are elastic while ligaments join bone to bone
    and are non-elastic.
    j) Bone is composed of flexible minerals such as Calcium and Phosphate with rigid
    fibres of Collagen.
    k) Osteocyte is another word for bone cell.

  2. Compare the biceps and triceps muscles with respect to:
    a) Point of origin
    b) Point of insertion
    c) Function

218 7.8. Summary

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