Everything Life Sciences Grade 10

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. State where the Haversian canal is located and state its function.

  2. State four functions of bone tissue.

  3. Tabulate two differences between tendons and ligaments.

  4. Supply the biological term for each of these bones:

a) thigh bone
b) knee cap
c) shin bone
d) ankle bones
e) heel bone
f) upper arm bone
g) wrist bones
h) breast bone

  1. Statefourfunctions of the human skeleton.

  2. State the number of:

a) bones in the human vertebral column.
b) pairs of true ribs
c) lumbar vertebrae

  1. Study the following diagrams showing the main bones of the pectoral girdle and the
    human arm (forelimb) and answer the questions that follow:

a) Identify bone X.
b) Parts of some of these bones meet at certain joints. By using the letters (A–H)
only, state which parts of the bones form the shoulder joint.
c) Name the type of synovial joint that is located at the following parts of the body:
i. At the elbow
ii. Where the lower limb joins the pelvis
iii. In the wrist

  1. The diagram below shows the legs of an athlete while he is waiting for a race to start.
    The letters A to F show some of the muscles as well as joints that will be used during
    the race.

Chapter 7. Support systems in animals 217
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