Grade 4 - Progress in Mathematics

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Use dot paper for problems 1–8.

  1. Draw a polygon that has 2. Draw a polygon that has
    8 sides and 8 vertices. 5 sides and 5 vertices.
    What is its name? What is its name?

  2. Draw a polygon that has 4. Draw a polygon that has
    3 sides. How many vertices 6 vertices. How many sides
    does it have? What is does it have? What is
    its name? its name?

  3. Draw five different quadrilaterals.
    How many of them have at least
    one right angle?

  4. Draw four different hexagons.

  5. Draw an octagon with all right
    angles. Is this a regular

  6. Do you think the number of
    sides a polygon has is always
    equal to the number of its
    vertices? Use drawings to
    justify your answer.

Match each definition with a term in the box.

  1. the numbers other than 0 that are
    multiples of two or more numbers

  2. all the products that have a particular
    number as a factor

least common multiple
common multiples

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