
(avery) #1
12 Your Dog May 2019

Spring dog walks

are a highlight of

the year. But, do

you know how to

make the most

of them? Jackie

Drakeford advises.

Walking the dog

We all know that moment of
pure horror when someone,
who is dogless and dressed
in white, appears ahead of us
on a muddy track.
Never be afraid to pop the
lead back on your dog to
avert disaster!



ow the days are getting
longer, walking your
dog takes on a whole
new perspective.
For those of us whose work
commitments mean that dog
walking in the winter is all
about torches and tarmac,
there’s the opportunity — at
last — to take our dogs
‘o f -piste’ and let them of the
lead. And those of us who have
been exercising our dogs all
winter along footpaths and
through woodland in the
half-light discover ‘new’ dogs
seem to be everywhere!
Often these dogs are new
to their owners too, and may
be overcome with excitement
at their sudden freedom,
displaying behaviours that
are normal for dogs but instil
anxiety in owners.
Suddenly, you have to learn
about all sorts of new dogs and
owners, and rather quickly, too.
You may need to readjust your
expectations in order to get the
most enjoyment out of your
walks, instead of coming home
furious, shattered, embarrassed,
or profoundly grateful you still
have the dog!

Jackie Drakeford is
an experienced dog
behaviourist whose
special interest is
aggression. Recently
retired as a Kennel
Club Accredited
Instructor, she writes
and lectures on all
aspects of canine

Enjoy your spring walks.


12-14 YD Walks CS(SW)ok.indd 12 01/04/2019 16:

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