
(avery) #1 13

“All this is blissful for dogs...”

“Older dogs

need less

distance and

more interest,

so a sniffi ng




Hats and sunglasses
can be quite worrying
for some dogs,
especially sunglasses
because your dog can’t
make eye contact, so
accustom him to these
i rst in the safety of
your home and garden.
If your dog needs
frequent eye contact
for coni dence, lift your
glasses from time to
time so he can see you
are still ‘in there’!


Most dog walkers know
that whatever they
wear must be robust,
comfortably loose-i tting,
and easy to wash. No
matter how warm the
day, keep arms and
legs covered to protect
yourself from midges
and other winged
biters (annoying,
but relatively
harmless) or ticks
(very nasty).
Footwear should
enclose your feet,
and have non-slip soles.
The various essentials
you have carried in your
coat pockets all winter
— poo bags,
spare lead,
treats, tissues,
tuggy toy,
phone, car keys, and
so on — are harder
to accommodate in
summer clothing. I can
recommend wearing
a gundog trainer or
falconer over vest;
these swallow up
a plethora of essentials
without being heavy
or cumbersome, and
can even manage
a water bottle and small
collapsible bowl for those
longer walks.

If you asked your dogs where
they would like to walk, woods
and i elds would come top of
the list with almost all of them.
There is space to run, dif erent
scents to enjoy, and weemails
to check. All this is blissful
for dogs, leaving them
mentally fuli lled as well as
physically exercised.

And, with a little preparation,
it can be the best part of your
day, too.
Many beaches are closed to
dogs during the summer, but
if you have beach access, dogs
love a blast across the sand,
and a game in the water. You
need to be careful if your dog is
a swimmer, though, because it
is all too easy for him to get into

If winter restrictions mean
your dog has become uni t,
work up to longer walks
gradually, so that by the time
you are ready for long hikes,
your dog is, too.
Jogging or cycling is OK
for i t, young dogs, but it
is nowhere near as much
fun for the dog as being
able to take time to enjoy
the dif erent aspects

of his surroundings.
Older dogs need less
distance and more interest,
so a snii ng walk, with
plenty of mental stimulation,
will do them more good than
the long yomps they enjoyed
when they were young. It’s
all too easy to forget or deny
the ageing process. Don’t
rely on your dog to ‘tell’ you
that he has had enough,
because dogs are so loyal,

and love their walks so
much, that many will
keep going even in
considerable discomfort.
Be aware of the ef ects of
dif erent surfaces on paws,
and plan ahead so you keep
out of the sun at the hotter
times of day. If your dog’s
coat is clipped in summer,
remember this af ects
its insulating properties
against heat and wet.

trouble with strong currents.
There are risks for dogs
that scavenge, too, whether
from rotting i sh seething
with pathogens, or fatbergs of
solidii ed oils and chemicals.
You need to be vigilant at the
seaside; make sure your dog’s
recall is good, and then you can
relax and enjoy the space and
sea air.

Jogging with your dog doesn’t give
him much opportunity to snif.

Watch out for scavenging on the beach.

10-12 YD Walks CS(SW)ok.indd 13 26/03/2019 09:

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