Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
since convex mirrors form only virtual images. The mirror is concave.

  1. With so = 60 cm and si = 30 cm (si is positive since the image is real), the
    mirror equation tells us that

Notice that f is positive; it must be, since the mirror is concave.

  1. The magnification is

Since the absolute value of m is less than 1, the mirror makes
the object look smaller. The image is only half as tall as the
object (and is upside down, because m is negative).

  1. A concave mirror with a focal length of 25 cm is used to create
    a real image that has twice the height of the object. How far is the
    image from the mirror?

Here’s How to Crack It

Since hi (the height of the image) is twice ho (the height of the object), the value of

the magnification is either +2 or −2. To figure out which, we just notice that the
image is real; real images are inverted, so the magnification, m, must be negative.
Therefore, m = −2, so

Substituting this into the mirror equation gives us

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