Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
decrease by a factor of.

  1. D The period of a spring–block simple harmonic oscillator is

independent of the value of g. (Recall that T = .) Therefore, the period
will remain the same.

  1. A The only equation that gives x = 6 when t = 0 is the one in (A).
    7. B The period of the spring-block simple harmonic oscillator is given by

the equation T =. So, to make T as small as possible, we want m to
be as small as possible and k to be as large as possible. Since m 2 is the
smaller mass and k 1 is the larger spring constant, this combination will give
the oscillator the shortest period.

  1. C For small angular displacements, the period of a simple pendulum is
    essentially independent of amplitude.

  2. B First draw a free-body diagram.

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