Algebra Demystified 2nd Ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
InDex 477

DeMYSTiFieD / algebra DeMYSTiFieD / HuttenMuller / 000-0 / Index

Fixed costs, 321
FOIL method, 151–154
business, 321
distance problems, 429
linear applications, 233–240
linear equations, 204–205
other geometric shapes, 417–418
rectangle, 417
revenue, 391
temperature, 236, 340
triangle, 417
Fraction. See Fractions
Fraction division, 5–6
Fraction exponent, 123
Fraction multiplication, 2–5
Fractions, 1–41
addition. See Fractions—addition
compound, 24–26
decimals, containing, 70–72
division, 5–6
exponents, 99–101, 123–125
fractional exponent, 123–125
improper, 26–30
linear equations, 194
mixed number. See Mixed number
multiplication, 2–5
negative numbers, 87–88
rationalizing the denominator, 119–123
simplifying. See Simplifying fractions
subtraction. See Fractions—subtraction
write fraction as product, 112–113
distributive property/factoring, 139–141, 169–175
fractions with variables, 54–56
LCD, 169–171
like denominators, 12–13
more than two fractions, 19–21
unlike denominators, 13–15
whole number and fraction, 21–22
distributive property/factoring, 139–141, 169–175
fractions with variables, 54–56
LCD, 169–171
like denominators, 12–13
unlike denominators, 13–15
whole number and fraction, 23–24


Geometric figures, 417–418. See also Geometric problems
Geometric problems
formulas, 417–418

Geometric problems (Cont.):
linear applications, 300–305
quadratic applications, 416–429
Grade problems, 251–256

Height of a falling object, 407–416
Hooke’s law, 340

Identity, 218
Improper fraction, 26–30
Inequalities. See Linear inequalities
Infinity, 318
Interval, 318
Interval notation, 318–320, 329–330
Inverse operations, 186–187
Investment problems, 259–262

Like terms, 137
Linear applications, 223–310
age problems, 249, 250
coin problems, 256–259
consecutive integers, 241
distance problems, 285–300. See also Distance
formulas, 233–240
geometric problems, 300–305
grade problems, 251–256
investment problems, 259–262
mixture problems, 262–271, 306–307
number sense problems (three unknowns),
number sense problems (two unknowns),
percent problems, 224–233
“three times the larger,” 246
“twice the smaller,” 246
units of measure, 272
work problems, 271–285, 307
work problems (other worker joins in), 278
Linear equations, 183–222. See also Linear applications
associative property of multiplication, 196, 197
common mistakes, 196
cross-multiplication, 210, 211
decimals, 200
extraneous solutions, 211, 212
formulas, 204–205
fractions, 194
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