Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

728 Index

imaginary number, 357
real number, 357

Q.E.D., definition of, 63
quadrants of Cartesian plane, 223–225, 317–318
equation, binomial factor form, of 367–371,
equation, mutant, 364–366
equation, polynomial standard form of,
364–367, 501–502, 515
equation, with complex roots, 381–395
equation, with real roots, 363–380
formula, 375–377, 381–386, 391–392, 504
function, graph of, 396–412
function, with no real zeros, 407–412
function, with one real zero, 402–407
function, with two real zeros, 396–402
quadratic/quadratic system, 451–456, 466–471
quadrillion, definition of, 9
quintillion, definition of, 9
Quod erat demonstradum, 63
quotient, definition of, 67

radical notation, 113–115
radix, 11–17, 95
range of mapping, 208–211
as equivalent of fraction, 85–87
definition of, 67
vs. difference, 482–483, 492
exponentials in, 494–495
in exponent, 493
to decimal conversion, 104
rational number
density, 124–125, 166
definition of, 91
in hierarchy, 167–168
implied list of, 129–130
line, 124
powers, 120–122
rational root, 443–445, 522–523

real number
definition of, 124–125
in hierarchy, 167–168
line, 125
pure, 357
real root, 439–445, 516–519, 520–523
real variables, behavior of, 133–140
behavior of, 134
changing to negative, 484
definition of, 90
of integer, 90, 110
vs. negative exponent, 491–492
within exponent, 484
reciprocal-of-integer powers, 112–117
reductio ad absurdum, 44
redundant linear system, 277–278, 345
reflexive property, 179–180, 310
bijective, 216
as set of ordered pairs, 215
definition of, 179
graphed in Cartesian plane, 226–231
injective, 215
inverse, 219–220, 229–231, 273–275,
316, 320–321
many-to-one, 219
one-to-many, 219
surjective, 215–216
definition of, 67
in quotient of integers, 83
rename and replace, 258–262, 271–275,
286, 330–331
rise over run, 237
Roman numeral, 6–7
cube, 113–114, 164
even, of negative number, 117, 165
integer, 112–117, 164
multiplicity of, 372, 433–437, 459,
rational, 443–445, 522–523
real, 439–445, 516–519, 520–523
square, 112–113, 164–165
rotate-and-mirror method, 334–335
rounding error, 483, 485–486
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