Algebra Know-It-ALL

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 729

equation, definition of, 363
polynomial, 363–367
concept of, 19–22
denumerable, 129, 168
element of, 19–21, 144
empty, 20
finite, 20–21
infinite, 20–21
member of, 19, 144
nondenumerable, 130–131, 168
null, 20, 27, 31
properties of, 144–147
universal, 23–24
within a set, 21
coincident, 24–25, 146
congruent, 24–25, 27, 30–31, 146
disjoint, 25, 28, 31, 146
equal, 24–25
intersection of, 27–30, 145–146
nondisjoint, 26, 28
overlapping, 26, 28–29, 31–32
union of, 30–33, 145–146
sextillion, definition of, 9
SI form (seeslope-intercept form)
in division, 72
in multiplication, 72
sign-changing element, 71
significant figures, 100
simple fraction, 84
definition of, 236–238
determination of, 321–323
slope-intercept form, 236–242,
253, 323–326
solution set
definition of, 278
of quadratic equation, 369
of two-by-two linear system, 278
completing, 371–375
geometric, 112–113
perfect, 41, 149, 371–372, 374

square (Cont.)
root, 112–113, 164–165
unit, 127–128
squaring, definition of, 41
subset, 23–24, 146–147
substitution, in linear system, 258–262,
271–275, 330–331
as displacement, 53–54
of complex numbers, 357
of exponents, 118–119
of fractions, 91–93, 159
of imaginary numbers, 354
of negative number, 56–57
signs in, 56
sum vs. product, 482, 492
summation symbol, 99
surd symbol, 113
definition of, 212
example of, 315–317
symmetric property, 179–180, 310
synthetic division, 423–427

tangent to axis, 402
terminating decimal, 99–101,
tesseract, 114
thousand, definition of, 9
three-by-three geometry, 290–292
three-by-three linear system
eliminating variables in, 281–285
equation form of, 296
matrices and, 296–307
matrix form of, 297–298, 340
inconsistent, 345
redundant, 345
solving, 281–289, 296–307,
three-by-two linear system, 293–294
three-space, Cartesian, 290–292
toothpick numeral, 4–6
transfinite ordinal, 37–38, 148
transitive property, 179–180, 310
trillion, definition of, 9
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