Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

242 Index

Fractions (cont.)
algebraic. See Algebraic fractions
categorization of, 4–5, 7
complex, 151–152
cube of, 47–48
cube root of, 37
as exponent, 53–57, 84–85
exponentiation of
with fractions, 54–56
with natural numbers, 47–48
with negative numbers, 51–52, 120
with one, 45
power of a quotient rule, 79
quotient rule for, 75–77, 81
with zero, 49
in linear equations, 158
as monomials, 84–85
on number line, 6
in order of operations, 59
order of operations in, 59
perfect square, 33
in radical simplifying, 39
in rational expressions, 140–150
signed numbers rules, 29–30
simplifying, 120
square root of, 34–35, 41–42
Fraction bars, 29, 58, 59, 151
Functional relationships, 203
Functions, 195–202, 202f

GCF, 121–126, 139–143
General polynomial, 85, 86
Graph of a number, 2, 2f
Graphing method, 210–211
“Greater than” symbol (>), 14t, 159
“Greater than or equal to” symbol (>), 14t, 159
Greatest common factor (GCF), 121–126, 139–143
Grouping symbols
absolute value bars, 15, 36, 58, 60
braces, 58
brackets, 58, 108
constants and, 66
fraction bars, 29, 58, 59, 151
in order of operations
with addition, 35, 119
algebraic expressions, 67–70
with multiplication, 36, 37, 39–42
PEMDAS, 58–62
polynomial expressions, 106–108

parentheses. See Parentheses
purpose of, 58
square root. See Square root symbol
variables and, 66

Horizontal axis, 171, 172f

Independent variables, 197, 198
Index, 38
Inequality symbols, 14t, 120
Inputs (domain value), 197
Integers, 3–5, 3f, 6f
Irrational numbers, 5–6, 6f

Least common denominator (LCD), 148–149, 152
Least common multiple, 158
“Less than” symbol (<), 14t, 159
“Less than or equal to” symbol (<), 14t, 159
Like terms, 87, 88–90
Linear equations
constants in, 154
fractions in, 158
graphing, 184 –188
one-variable, 154–158
point-slope form of, 190–193
sides of, 154
slope y-intercept form of, 184–190
solving two simultaneous, 205–211
tools for solving, 155
two-variable, 159
Linear functions, 201, 202f
Linear inequalities, 159–161
parallel, 181
perpendicular, 181–182
point-slope equation for, 190–193
properties of, 184
slope of. See Slope of a line
slope y-intercept equation for, 184–190
standard form of equation for, 184

Middle terms, 99–101, 127–128, 131, 133
Midpoint between two points in a plane, 177
Minus sign (–)
in factoring, 124
parentheses and, 71
rules for, 25
in subtraction, 21, 22, 92
terms and, 83–84
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