6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Visualize yourself in the problem above as you
reread it. List the facts and the question.
Facts: 18 baseball players
20 volleyball players
16 soccer players
1 student plays on all three teams.
of the baseball players also play soccer.
4 volleyball players also play soccer.
Question:How many students play only soccer?

To find the number who play both soccer and
baseball, multiply: 
3 ^18 6.
Use the Venn diagram and subtract to find
the number in each overlapping region.
6  1  and 4  1 

Then solve for the number who play only soccer.
16 (1 ??) ? soccer only


Solve by using a Venn diagram.
0 1. The school paper lists the names of the 18 baseball
players, 20 volleyball players, and 16 soccer players.
One person belongs to all three teams. One third of the
baseball players and 4 of the volleyball players also belong
to the soccer team. How many students play only soccer? 1





0 2. There are 26 shops at the minimall. One third
of the 12 shops that provide services also provide
goods. How many shops provide only goods?

0 3. At a buffet table, ham, chicken, and beef were being
served. Of the 200 guests, 70 ate ham, 100 ate chicken,
85 ate beef, 25 ate ham and beef, and 30 ate chicken and
ham. One tenth of the guests ate all three. How many
guests ate only ham?

0 4. While on vacation 50 people could opt to fish, scuba dive,
and/or water ski. Of the group, 35 went fishing, 32 went
scuba diving, 14 tried water skiing, 21 tried both fishing
and scuba diving, 4 tried only water skiing, and 10 did all
three. How many went only fishing? only scuba diving?

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