6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Problem-Solving Applications: Mixed Review

Solve each problem and explain the method you used.
0 1. Hanley’s Farm Stand sets out 
bushel of apples.
2 of the apples are sold in the first hour
the stand is open, what part of a bushel is left?

0 2. Solomon can pick 
8 bushel of grapes each hour.
How many bushels can he pick in 7 hours?

0 3. An apple cake recipe calls for 2
3 cups of apple
slices. Each apple supplies about ^23 cup of slices.
How many apples are needed to make the cake?

0 4. Geraldine picked 4^12 quarts of strawberries.
Lonnie picked ^34 as much as Geraldine. How
many quarts of strawberries did Lonnie pick?

0 5. How many half-pint containers did Pat use
to package 10^12 pints of raspberries?

0 6. A pound of plums costs $1.05. How much
do 3^15 lb cost?

0 7. How many 
-lb slices can be cut from a
15-lb watermelon?

0 8.The Pumpkin Pickers have won the coin toss at the
beginning of the County Vegetable-Picking Race for
the last three years. What is the probability that they
will win the coin toss at the beginning of the next race?

0 9.From a bag of 1 yellow, 2 green, and 2 red peppers, Don
chooses 2 peppers at random. What is the probability
that he will choose a red and a yellow pepper if the first
pepper is replaced? if the first pepper is notreplaced?

  1. How many ^12 -gal containers can be filled from a
    25 ^12 -gal keg of cider?

  2. Maya picks ^34 bushel of peaches in ^23 hour.
    How many bushels can she pick in one hour?

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