6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Test Preparation Chapters 1–8
Choose the best answer.
1.Which shows the standard form of 7. Which shows the decimal 0.8741
2 trillion, 14 million, 800 thousand? rounded to its greatest nonzero place?

2.Estimate. 8. Find the sum.

3.Find the difference. 9. Find the difference.

2,729,000409,026 68 0.054

4.Which shows greatest to least? 10.Which shows least to greatest?

a.1.88; 1.8; 1.08; 1.008 a. 2 ^25 , 2^23 , 2^14 
b.1.8; 1.88; 1.08; 1.008 b. 2 ^23 , 2^25 , 2^14 
c.1.008; 1.88; 1.08; 1.8 c. 2 ^14 , 2^23 , 2^25 
d.none of these d.none of these

5.Find the difference. 11.Find the value of m:

^1112  a. ^14  m^23 ^45  a.  125 
 ^23  b.^56  b.^34 
c. 1 ^19  c.  185 
d.not given d. 1  175 

6.How much more than 2 103 12.Which is greater than 3 but
is 2500? less than 6^1
2 ?
a. 500 b. 2300 a. 5  1 ^34  b. 1 ^12  1 ^12 
c. 3000 d. 5500 c. 9 ^19  5  152  d. 20  17 ^13 


a. 2,014,800
b. 2,014,000,800,000
c. 2,014,800,000
d. 2,000,014,800,000

a. 1
c. 0.874

a. 9,700,000
c. 11,700,000

a. $5.56
c. $104.56
d.not given

a. 2,320,026
c. 2,320,984
d.not given

a. 0.014
c. 67.946
d.not given


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