6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Lunch Time
Oh, for a piece of papaya,
or a plate of beef lo mein—

Oh, for a bowl of Irish stew,
or fresh paella from Spain—

Oh, for a forkful of couscous,
or a chunk of Jarlsberg cheese—

Oh, for some lasagna,
or a bowl of black-eyed peas—

Of all the tasty foods
That I would love to try,

I sit here and wonder
why, oh why,
Mama packed me
this liverwurst on rye.

Lee Bennett Hopkins

In this chapter you will:
Survey, collect, organize, report, and
interpret data
Learn about bias in surveys
Apply measures of central tendency and range
Investigate stem-and-leaf plots, box-and-
whisker plots, double bar and line graphs,
histograms, and circle graphs
Recognize misleading statistics
Solve problems by making an organized list

Critical Thinking/Finding Together
Research each of the foods mentioned in the
poem. Make organized lists to find the number
of two-food combinations you can make.

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