6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



Iris wanted to know whether the students
in her school think that it is a good
idea to make the school day longer.
She decided to conduct a survey.

A survey is a method of gathering information
about a group. Surveys are usually made up of
questions or other items that require responses.

To conduct a survey:
Write and ask questions to determine
the opinions on the topic.
Record the responses.
Organize the data in a table or graph.

Iris surveyed the school population that included:
the same number of students from each grade
the same number of boys as girls
students from various ethnic backgrounds

Iris asked this question of 30 students: Do you think the
school day should be longer? Answer Yes,No, or Not Sure.

Responses: Yes — 8 students No —18 students Not Sure — 4 students

She presented her findings in both a pictograph and a bar graph.

From her survey, Iris predicted that most students in
her school do not think that the school day should be longer.

Longer School Day
Not Sure
Key:Each 4 votes.

Number of Students

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Not Sure

Longer School Day

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