6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The bar graph shows the results of a survey about favorite
types of movies. Use the graph to answer the questions.

  1. Write a survey question that could
    be used to obtain the data.

  2. How many more people chose
    science fiction than adventure?

  3. How many people in all were

  4. What fractional part of those
    surveyed chose drama?

The pictograph shows the results of a survey about favorite
drinks. Use the graph to answer the questions.

  1. Write a survey question that could
    be used to obtain the data.

  2. How many of those surveyed did not
    choose soda or iced tea as their favorite?

  3. What fractional part of those surveyed
    chose either lemonade or orange juice?

  4. You are ordering drinks for 200 people.
    Based on the results of the survey, how
    many of each drink would you order?
    10. Survey your class to test your
    prediction in exercise 9. Present your
    data in a bar graph or pictograph.

  5. If you surveyed your class, do you
    think that most students would
    favor the same drink? Explain.

Movie Type

Number of People

0 2 4 6 8 1012141618





Favorite Movies

Favorite Drinks
Apple juice
Orange juice
Iced tea
Key:Each 4 votes.

  1. Nancy makes predictions from survey data that she
    collects about a favorite holiday from people in a shopping
    mall. Name three things that can affect the accuracy
    of Nancy’s predictions and explain why they would.

  2. Write a paragraph comparing your data with
    the data displayed above in the pictograph.
    Was your prediction correct?

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