6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Solve. Combine strategies to help you.
0 1. A business office mailed 24 packages last week.
Each package weighed 1^12 lb. For every 3 packages
mailed special delivery, 5 packages were bulk rate.
How many packages were mailed special delivery?

Visualize yourself in the problem above as
you reread it. List the facts and the question.

Facts: 24 packages mailed
2 lb — weight of each package
packages — 3 special delivery
5 bulk rate
Question:How many packages were
mailed special delivery?

This is a multistep problemand it contains
extra information. Use more than one step.
First find the sum of 3 5, then write and
solve a proportion.




0 2. Ann’s birthday is a dozen days after Ron’s. Ron’s birthday
is in May but it is after May 15th. The sum of the digits of the
date is 5 and it falls on a Sunday. What is the day and date
of Ann’s birthday?

0 3. The ratio of the length of a side of square AXRDto the
length of a side of square TVBNis 2 to 7. If the perimeter
of TVBNis 84 cm, what is the area of each square?

0 4. Of the 630 students at South School, three fifths are girls. Four
out of every 7 boys can swim. How many boys can swim?

0 5. Brittany mailed this puzzle to a math magazine.
Solve the problems she made up.
a.What is the ratio of the sum of the numbers
outside the parallelogram to the sum of the
numbers inside the circle?
b.What is the missing number if the ratio of the
missing number to the sum of the numbers
inside the parallelogram equals 40%?

5 7

? 3




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