6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

In a typical week, a chicken farmer collects about
1164 eggs each d ay. If all of the eggs are sent to the
market, how many dozen eggs are sent each week?

Is there hidden informationin the problem?
Ye s , there are two hidden facts.
7 days1 week
12 eggs one dozen

Step 1: First, to find how many eggs are collected
in one week, multiply:
7  1164 
days eggs per day eggs in one week
Step 2: Then, to find how many dozen eggs are sent
to the market each week, divide:
eggs collected  12  number of dozens
in one week eggs sent to the market

Check your computations by using inverse operations.
8148  7  1164 Ye s. 12  679  8148 Ye s.

 1164 66 6 79
 1117 1 2  8  1  4  8
 8148  72
6  794
76  84
76  108
76  108
Each week 679 dozen eggs are sent to the market.

Visualize yourself in the problem as you
reread it. List the facts and the question.

Fact: Each d ay, 1164 eggs are collected.

Question:How many dozen eggs
are collected in 1 week?

Strategy: Use More Than One Step



dozen eggs sent
to the market

eggs collected
each week

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