6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Strategy: Use a Graph

The science class plants 40 seeds. The students
can display the number of seeds that sprout each
day on a graph. How many seeds have not
sprouted by May 10?

This problem has a hidden question.
How many seeds have already sprouted?

total number  number of seeds  number of seeds
of seeds planted sprouted not sprouted


So to find the number of seeds that have not
sprouted by May 10, you must:

  • First, use the data from the graph and add to find
    the number of seeds sprouted up to May 10.

  • Then subtract your answer in Step 1 from 40.

Visualize yourself in the problem above as
you reread it. List the facts and the question.

Does 2  0  2  3  5  7  8  6  7 40? Ye s.

First add. (Hint:Look for tens.)
2  0  2  3  5  7  8  6  33

Then subtract: 40 33  7 seeds not sprouted.
Seven seeds have not sprouted by May 10.








Number of Seeds Sprouted

Date in May

4 6 8 10 12

Seed Data


Facts: total number of seeds— 40
number of seeds sprouted each day —
data given on the line graph

Question: How many seeds have
not sprouted by May 10?

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