6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Graph Reflections and Translations


Graph each point and its reflection across the indicated axis.
Use prime notation to write the coordinates of its reflection.

  1. A(4, 6), x-axis 2. B(5, 7), x-axis 3. C(1, 3), x-axis

  2. D(8, 2), y-axis 5. E(4, 9), y-axis 6. F(10, 5), y-axis

  3. G(0, 9), x-axis 8. H(14, 0), y-axis 9. K(5, 9), x-axis

A reflection is a transformation that flips a figure over a line called a
line of reflection. A figure and its reflection are congruent.

You can draw the reflection of a plane figure on a coordinate plane. When
you reflect a figure, you can flip it across the x-axis or the y-axis.

The figure you get after a transformation is the image of the original figure.
Use prime notation, P′, to identify an image point. Read P′as “Pprime.”

Graph P(2, 3) and its
reflection across the x-axis.
Write the coordinates of its

P(2, 3) P′(2, 3)

Graph the reflection
of ABCacross the
y-axis. Use prime
notation to write
the coordinates of
its reflection.

A(4, 2), B(3, 2), C(1, 1) A′(4, 2), B′(3, 2), C′(1, 1)

Pis 3 units above
the x-axis, so P′is
3 units belowthe

Ais 4 units to the left
of the y-axis, so A′is
4 units to the rightof
the y-axis.

Reflect the other
vertices. Draw

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