6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Here on this plot
Our house will rise
Against the hill
Beneath blue skies

Ruler and tape
Measure the size
Of windows and cupboards
The floors inside

We add, subtract,
Multiply, divide
To build closets and stairs
The porch outside

Without numbers and measure
Would our house ever rise
Against the hill
Beneath blue skies?

Lillian M. Fisher

In this chapter you will:
Explore one trillion
Use exponents to understand place value
Compare and order decimals
Compute with whole numbers and decimals
Write and evaluate expressions
Solve problems by writing and solving
an equation

Critical Thinking/Finding Together
Find Robert’s house number if it is the
seventh number in this sequence: 4119
4008 4037 3926

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