6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Choose a strategy from the list or use another
strategy you know to solve each problem.

Use These Strategies
Write an Equation
Guess and Test
Use a Graph
Use More Than One Step

Applications: Mixed Review

  1. Blanca has collected 59 boxes of paper clips.
    The paper clips in each box make a chain about
    312 in. long. Does Blanca have enough clips to
    make a mile-long chain? (Hint:1 mi = 63,360 in.)

  2. Newgate School makes a chain with 12,250
    paper clips and rubber bands. The chain
    uses four times more paper clips than rubber
    bands. How many paper clips does the chain
    use? how many rubber bands?

  3. Each rubber band in the Newgate chain is 5 cm long.
    How many rubber bands are in a length of chain
    that measures 1695 cm?

  4. A team of 18 students collects paper clips. The team
    collects an average of 375 paper clips per student.
    How many paper clips did the entire team collect?

  5. Cathy and Bill spent $8.89 on rubber bands. Each box
    cost $1.27, and Cathy bought 3 more boxes than Bill.
    How many boxes of rubber bands did each student buy?

Use the graph for problems 6–8.

  1. Sue bought 27 boxes of medium
    paper clips and 10 boxes of super
    paper clips. How many paper clips
    in all did she buy?

  2. Would 40 boxes of large paper clips
    and 12 boxes of small paper clips
    be more than 15,000 paper clips?

  3. Which is the greater quantity:
    35 boxes of large paper clips or
    25 boxes of medium paper clips?

Average Number of
Paper Clips per Box

Number of Paper Clips


Size of Paper Clips

Small Medium Large Super

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