6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Practice 6-1

Practice 6-2


Write a fraction for each point.
1a.R b.P

2a.^57  2 n 8  b.^49 ^2 n^4 c. ^1 n^8 ^25 

Write each fraction in simplest form.
3a.^1287  b.^1251  c. ^1460 

Compare. Write , , or .
4a.^1273  273  b.^56   190 

5a.^78  ^4596  b.^12 ^35 

Write in order from least to greatest.
6a.^23 , ^15 , ^56  b.^59 , ^14 ,  152 

7a. 1  172 , 1^12 , 1^23  b. 2 ^25 , 2^23 , 2 125 



Tell whether each is primeor composite.
8a. 9 b. 19 c. 49

Find the prime factorization and write in
exponent form.
9a. 26 b. 40 c. 56

10.Which fraction is close to ^12 :  161 , ^1135 , ^15 ?

11.Of 24 dogs, 9 are beagles, 5 are collies,
and the rest are poodles. What fractional part
are poodles?

12.Marla ate ^38 of a melon. Leah ate ^23 of a
melon. Who ate more?

13.List all the prime numbers between 20 and 30.

14.Which is farthest: 7^45 mi, 7^34 mi, or 7 170 mi?

Write each rational number for each point.


11.Find a pair of numbers between 12 and 24
whose GCF is 5.

12.Find a pair of numbers between 1 and 10
whose LCM is 8.

13.A carton holds 10 music boxes. Write a mixed
number in simplest form to show how many
cartons would be filled by 46 music boxes.

14.Write the quotient of 1 divided by 9 as a
repeating decimal.

15.Is 1514  0 a little more than ^12 ? Write Yesor No.

Find the GCF of each pair of numbers.
1a.8 and 12 b.15 and 24

2a.10 and 45 b.7 and 28

Find the LCM of each pair of numbers.
3a.7 and 10 b.8 and 12

4a.6 and 15 b.14 and 42

Rename as an improper fraction.
5a. 3 ^23  b.^9  170  c.^5 ^14 

Rename as a fraction in simplest form.
6a.0.54 b.0.05 c. 0.75

Rename as a decimal.
7a. 4 ^78  b.^16  c. 5 ^23 

8a. 196  b. 3  1400  c. 6 ^18 



 4  3  2  10  1  2  3  4

 4  3  2  10  1  2  3  4

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