6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Practice 7-1

Practice 7-2


Add or subtract. Write each answer in simplest
1a.^59 ^49  b.^78 ^58  c. ^1116  156 

2a.^78 ^34  b.^13 ^56  c.  190 ^12 

3a.( 134  134 ) ^67  b. 172 ^14 

Estimate the sum or difference.
4a.^57  190  b. 196 ^17  c. ^1112 ^59 

5a. 9 ^23  3 ^18  b. 7 ^15  7 ^56  c. 19 ^19  9 ^78 

6a. 12 ^15  7 ^23  b. 41 ^12  19 ^57  c. 10 ^13  3 ^34 

Compute. Use the addition properties.
7a. 1 ^23 (^16 ^16 ) b. 3 ^12  5  2 ^14 

8a. 190 (^15 ^25 ) b. 2 ^14  2 ^13 ^14 

0 9. How much is ^16 increased by ^14 ?

10.Find the sum of ^17 ,  241 , and ^23 .

11.Anita is a runner on the school track team.
12.Upon reaching the ^78 -mi marker of the 1^12 -mi
12.track, how much farther must she run to get to
the end of the track?

12.The sum of nand 1^34 is 4. Find the value of n.

13.Ethan spent 1^78 h working on a model airplane.
12.Then he spent 2^16 h raking leaves. About how
12.much time did Ethan spend on those two

14.From the sum of  170 and ^35 , subtract ^23 .

Add or subtract. Write each answer in simplest
1a.  2 ^23  b.  6 ^58  c.  12 ^16 
1a.  3 ^15  b.  3 ^12  c.  08 ^45 

2a.  3 ^34  b.  9 ^13  c.  11
1a.  1 ^12  b.  6 ^12  c.  08 ^37 

3a.  7 ^47  b.  4 c.  8 ^13 
1a.  5 ^56  b.  2 ^23  c.  5 ^34 

Evaluate each expression.
4a.ab 4 ^12 ^11 , when a 3 ^17 and b  5 ^23 

4b.x y, when x16 and y 3 ^56 

Solve and check.
5a.c^23 ^1112  b.t 2 ^13  5 ^13 

6a.q^35  115  b.m 3 ^25  7

0 7. Add 2^56 to the difference between 5 and 2 172 .

0 8. A team practiced 2^12 h before lunch and
12.then 1^34 h after lunch. What is the total time
it practiced?

0 9. A recipe calls for 3^13 c of white flour, 1^14 c
12.of whole wheat flour, and ^12 c of rice flour.
12.Find the total amount of flour in the recipe.

10.Jeannette has three jump ropes: 6^12 ft, 9^23 ft,
12.and 7^18 ft. Estimate the total length.

11.On Monday, a certain stock opened at

  1. 67 ^18  points. By Friday its value was 80
    12.points. Find its increase in value.

12.Ted weighed 145^12 lb. After 2 months of
12.dieting, he weighed 136^13 lb. How much
weight did he lose?

13.Mary needs 6^25 yd of ribbon. She has 4^34 yd.
How much more ribbon does she need?

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