6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

stem-and-leaf plot A graph that arranges
numerical data in order of place value. The last
digits of the numbers are the leaves. The digits
to the left of the leaves are the stems. (p. 306)
straight angle An angle that measures 180°.
(p. 332)
Subtraction Property of Equality If the same
number is subtracted from both sides of an
equation, the sides remain equal. (p. 130)
supplementary angles Two angles the sum of
whose measures is 180°. (p. 334)
surface area The sum of the areas of all the
faces of a solid figure. (p. 474)
survey A way to collect data to answer a
question. (p. 294)
symmetrical figure A plane figure that can
be folded on a line so that the two halves
are congruent. (p. 358)
term Each number in a sequence. (p. 145)
terminating decimal A decimal in which digits
do not show a repeating pattern. A terminating
decimal results when the division of the
numerator of a fraction by the denominator
leaves a 0 remainder. (p. 206)
terms The parts of an expression that are
separated by an addition or subtraction sign.
(p. 124)
terms of a proportion The numbers that form
the proportion. In a:bc:d,a,b,c, and d
are the terms. (p. 382)
tessellation The pattern formed by fitting plane
figures together without overlapping or leaving
gaps. (p. 360)
translation A transformation that moves a
figure by sliding along a line without flipping
or turning it. (p. 356)
transversal A line that intersects two or more
lines. (p. 336)
trapezoid A quadrilateral with only one pair of
parallel sides. (p. 346)
tree diagram A diagram that shows all possible
outcomes of an event or events. (p. 276)
triangular prism A prism with two parallel
triangular bases. (p. 362)
triangular pyramid A pyramid with a triangular
base. (p. 362)

unbiased sample A sample is unbiased if
every individual in the population has an equal
chance of being selected. (p. 296)
unit fraction A fraction with a numerator of 1.
(p. 192)
unit price The cost of one item. (p. 380)
upper extreme The greatest number in a set
of data. (p. 304)
upper quartile (The median of the upper half of
a set of data. (p. 304)
variable A symbol, usually a letter, used to
represent a number. (p. 124)
Venn diagram A drawing that shows
relationships among sets of numbers or
objects. (p. 282)
vertex (plural:vertices) The common endpoint
of two rays in an angle, of two line segments
in a polygon, or of three or more edges in a
solid figure. (p. 330)
vertical angles A pair of congruent opposite
angles formed by two intersecting lines. (p. 334)
volume The number of cubic units needed to fill
a solid figure. (p. 478)
weight The heaviness of an object. (p. 454)
whole number Any of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3,....
(p. 150)
xx-axis The horizontal number line on a
coordinate grid. (p. 502)
x-coordinate The first number in an ordered
pair; it tells the distance to move right or left
from (0,0). (p. 502)
y-axis The vertical number line on a coordinate
grid. (p. 502)
y-coordinate The second number in an ordered
pair; it tells the distance to move up or down
from (0,0). (p. 502)
zero pair A pair of algebra tiles, or counters,
consisting of one positive and one negative.
(p. 156)
zero property Multiplying a number by 0 always
results in a product of 0. (p. 150)

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