6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Key:Italics = Enrichment/Challenge^553

Addition of decimals
check, 50–1
through hundred thousandths, 5(SU), 46–7, 50–1
column, 44–5, 47, 50–1
estimate sums, 5(SU), 44–5
missing addend, 7(SU), 57, 130–1
representations, 44
Addition of fractions and mixed numbers
check, 238, 140
column, 224–5, 226–7, 228–9
like denominators, 12(SU)
mixed numbers, 228–9
unit fractions, 225, 227
unlike denominators, 226–7, 228–9
estimate sums, 224–6, 228
missing addend, 223, 231, 238–9
on a number line, 222, 224, 228
rename sums, 226–7, 228–9
representations, 222, 224
use compensation, 224–5
use properties, 222–3, 236–7
Addition of integers
computation, 154–5, 498–9
on a number line, 154–5
related to subtraction, 156–7
representations, 154–5
Addition of whole numbers and money
addend / sum, 46–7
up to 10-digit numbers, 46–7
column, 47
estimate sums, 5(SU), 47
missing addend, 7(SU)
related to subtraction, 7(SU)
strategy: use properties, 7(SU)
algebraic thinking, 1, 40–1, 52–3, 54–5, 66–7, 70–1, 74–5,
94–5, 98–9, 106–7, 108–9, 122–3, 124–5, 126–7, 128–9,
130–1, 132–3, 134–5, 136–7, 138–9, 140–1, 150–1,
152–3, 154–5, 156–7, 158–9, 160–1, 162–3, 164–5,
168–9, 184–5, 196–7, 198–9, 208–9, 210–1, 212–3,
222–3, 236–7, 238–9, 254–5, 266–7, 270–1, 272–3,
308–9, 310–1, 314–5, 378–9, 380–1, 382–3, 384–5,
386–7, 388–9, 390–1, 392–3, 394–5, 418–9, 426–7,
430–1, 432–3, 436, 438–9, 464–5, 466–7, 468–9, 470–1,
472–3, 476–7, 478–9, 480–1, 482–3, 484–5, 496–7,
498–9, 500–1, 502–3, 504–5, 506–7, 508–9, 510–1,
512–3, 514–5, 516–7
combine like terms, 127, 272, 349, 350, 351, 456–7
coordinate graph, 504–5, 506–7, 508–9, 510–1, 514, 519
addition, 56–7, 130–1, 223, 231, 238–9, 496–9
division, 134–5, 272–3, 496–7, 500–1
evaluate, 58, 128–9, 138–9
linear, 309, 510–1
missing addend, 7(SU), 57, 130–1, 223, 231, 238–9
missing dimensions, 137, 462–3
missing dividend / divisor, 7(SU), 10(SU), 95, 99, 109, 265
missing factors, 7(SU), 67, 73, 254, 257
missing minuend / subtrahend, 7(SU), 54, 55
missing number in proportion, 383, 384–5, 386–7, 388–9,
392–3, 398, 407
missing numerator / denominator, 184–5, 193, 379

multiplication, 67, 70, 73, 134–5, 272–3, 496–7, 500–1
number sentences
addition / subtraction, 31, 50–1, 54–5, 56–7, 154, 156,
225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 238, 239, 242,
282, 283, 334, 335, 336, 343, 381, 426, 428,
496–7, 498–9
multiplication / division, 72–3, 95, 99, 159, 160, 250,
251, 252, 257, 258, 259, 264, 268, 269, 272, 273,
284, 334, 335, 336, 365, 381, 500–1
translate, 7(SU), 31, 56–7, 68, 70, 72–3, 78–9, 80–1,
88–9, 90, 92–3, 95, 96, 102–3, 104–5, 112–3,
114–5, 142–3, 146, 154, 155, 157, 159, 160, 165,
170, 171, 223, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 250, 251,
252, 256, 257, 258, 259, 261, 264, 268, 269, 272,
273, 284, 386–7, 409,416–7, 418–9
open / closed sentences, 128–9
slope, 519
solve, 48, 56–7, 59, 67, 70, 73, 78–9, 80–1, 88–9, 92–3,
95, 102–3, 104–5, 110–1, 112–3, 114–5, 121, 130–7,
142–3, 164–5, 183, 231, 238, 240, 251, 252, 256, 257,
261, 264, 268, 269, 272, 273, 281, 284, 337, 334, 343,
348, 350, 351, 365, 381, 390–1, 392, 394, 409,413,
414–5, 418–9, 420–1, 422–3, 424–5, 426–7, 429,
430–1, 432–3, 434–5, 436–7, 438–9, 440–1, 443 ,
462–3, 464–5, 466–7, 468–9, 470–1, 472–3, 474–5,
476–7, 478–9, 480–1, 482–3, 484–5, 486–7, 488–9,
496–7, 498–9, 500–1, 516–7
subtraction, 132–3, 231, 238–9, 496–9
two-step, 496–7, 498–9, 500–1
exponents, 38–9, 55, 74–5, 76–7, 80, 83,95, 122–3, 126–7,
162–3, 182–3, 266–7, 409
equivalent, 378–9, 380, 383, 385, 388–9
evaluate, 54–5, 108–9, 126–7, 164–5, 193, 236–7,
translate, 52–3, 54–5, 58–9, 106–7, 109, 124–5,
126–7, 167, 270–1, 392, 416–7, 496
compare, 66–7, 68–9, 75, 97, 99, 101, 139, 161, 227,
257, 263, 265
evaluate, 52–5, 58, 61,75, 97, 99, 100–1, 122–3,
124–5, 138–9, 161, 162–3, 164, 165, 236–7, 257,
263, 510–1
translate, 163, 164
factorials, 279
factorization, 182–3, 187, 195
formulas (see also Measurement and Probability)
area, 464–5, 446–7, 448–9, 464–5, 466–7, 468–9, 472–3,
474–5, 476–7, 484–5, 486–7, 488–9, 496–7
circumference, 470–1
diameter, 352–3, 470–1, 472–3, 474
distance / rate / time, 136–7, 387
interest, 434–5
percent, 418–9, 420–1, 422–3, 424–5, 426–7, 428–9,
432–3, 434–5, 438–9
perimeter, 25(SU), 136–7, 462–3, 486–7, 488–9
probability 274–5, 277, 280–1, 476–7
Pythagorean Theorem, 409
related to a circle, 352–3, 470–1, 472–3, 475
sum of angle measures
convex polygons, 350–1
quadrilaterals / triangles, 348–9
temperature: conversion C° to F°, 166–7, 273
volume, 136–7, 478–9, 480–1, 482–3, 488–9
function, 193, 502–3
function rule, 161, 502–3, 510–1, 514–5, 516
function tables, 107, 156, 161, 502–3, 510–1, 514–5

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