6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

point, 17(SU), 352–3
Pythagorean Theorem, 409
ray, 330, 333
read/write symbols, 330–1, 332–3, 354
similarity, 354–5, 388–91
solid figures
attributes: vertex / edge / face / base, 362–3
cone / cube / cylinder, 362, 474–5, 478–9, 480–1
nets, 362–3, 474, 475
hexagonal, pentagonal, rectangular, triangular, 362–3,
474–5, 476–7, 478–9, 480–1, 482–3
hexagonal, pentagonal, rectangular, square,
triangular, 362–3, 476–7, 482–3
sphere, 362
views / cross sections, 364–5
spatial reasoning (see Reasoning)
symbols, 17(SU), 18(SU)
reflection / rotational / point, 358–9
compass, 338–9, 340–1, 345, 347, 352–3, 436–7, 440–1,
meterstick, 448
protractor, 330–1, 437
ruler, 448–9, 452–3
straightedge, 338–9, 340–1, 353
graph, 506–7, 508–9, 516
reflections, rotations, translations, 356–7, 506–7, 508–9,
tessellations, 360–1
Graphs(see Statistics and Coordinate graphs)
Greatest common factors (GCF/GCD),186–7, 250–1

Hands-On lessons, 338–9, 340–1, 345, 347, 353, 436–7

absolute value, 150–1, 152–3, 158, 159
compare / order, 152–3
concepts, 150–61
on a coordinate grid, 504–5, 506–7, 508–9, 510–1
on a number line, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158
operations (see Addition, Division, Multiplication, and
Subtraction of integers)
opposites, 150–1, 156
related to a thermometer/sea level, 160–1, 166–7, 498–9
representations, 150–9, 169
Interpret the remainder (see Problem-Solving Strategies)
Inverse property(see Algebra, additive inverse, multiplicative
inverse, reciprocal)
Irrational numbers,470–1, 472–3

Journal(see Math Journal)

Least common denominator (LCD),196–7, 198
Logic(see also Problem-Solving Strategies and Reasoning)
always / sometimes / never, 93, 153, 189
analogies, 366–7, 369, 453, 455
conjunctions / disjunctions, 491

negations, 245
open/closed inequalities, 129
open/closed sentences, 128–9
open/closed statements, 117, 128
statements and negations, 245
Venn diagrams, 282–3, 285, 405

Maintenance(see Do You Remember, Mental Math, Still More
Practice, Cumulative Review)
Map,92, 393, 459
Materials(see Representations)
Math Journal, 47, 67, 89, 99, 107, 111, 180, 207, 259, 261, 263,
331, 347, 433
Measurement(see also Estimation)
by formula
circle, 472–3
parallelogram, 466–7
rectangle, 25(SU), 464–5
square, 464–5
trapezoid, 468–9
triangle, 466–7
of an irregular figure, 464–5, 484–5
missing dimensions, 465
square units, 464
benchmark, 20(SU), 21(SU), 22(SU), 23(SU)
choose the appropriate unit, 20(SU), 21(SU), 22(SU),
23(SU), 451
circumference, 470–1
pi, 470–1
compare customary units to metric units, 460–1
compare units
capacity, 23(SU), 450–1, 454–5
length, 22(SU), 24(SU), 458–9, 452–3
relate customary units, 452–3, 484–5
weight / mass, 23(SU), 450–1, 454–5
computing with customary units, 456–7
convert between customary and metric systems, 460–1
customary system
capacity, 21(SU), 450–1
length, 20(SU), 448–9
weight, 23(SU), 454–5
denominate numbers, 456–7, 458–9
distance / rate / time, 136–7, 387
estimate (see Estimation)
indirect measurement, 390–1
angles, 330–1
maps and scale, 392–3
to nearest mm/cm/dm, 448–9
to nearest 1/16 in. through 1 in., 452–3
metric system
capacity, 21(SU), 450–1
length, 20(SU), 448–9
mass, 21(SU), 450–1
relate metric units, 448–9, 450–51
by formula, 25(SU), 136–7, 462–3
by separating figures, 462–3
missing dimensions, 462–3
rename units, 21(SU), 22(SU), 23(SU), 448–9, 450–1, 452–3
454–5, 459
surface area
cube / cylinder / rectangular prism, 474–5
pyramid / triangular prism, 476–7

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