6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

factor / multiplicand / multiplier / product, 3(SU), 9(SU)
missing factor, 7(SU), 67
multiplicand / multiplier, 66
product, 66
properties, 8(SU) (see also Algebra)

Negative exponents, 95
Number line
with data: line plots, 302–3
decimals on, 40, 204, 398
fractions on, 12(SU), 192, 196, 198–9, 200, 204, 208, 224,
250, 252, 270, 274, 398
integers on, 150–1, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158
compare / order decimals on, 40
percents on, 395, 398, 399
probability, 274
rational numbers on, 208–9, 210–1, 399
rounding on, 2(SU), 224
Number sentences(see Algebra equations)
Number theory
abundant number, 181
deficient number, 181
divisibility, 3(SU), 178–9, 183
factors (common), 3(SU), 180–1, 186–7
greatest common factor (GCF/GCD), 12(SU), 186–7, 250–1
least common multiple / LCM, 194–5, 196–7, 198
multiples, 3(SU), 133, 194, 196
perfect number, 181
prime and composite numbers, 180–1, 182–3, 187, 195, 217
prime factorization (factor tree), 182–3, 195
Sieve of Eratosthenes, 217

decimals, 40–1, 97, 99
fractions, 198–9
integers, 152–3
whole numbers, 1(SU), 67, 69
Order of operations
decimals, 122–3, 126–7
fractions, 236, 266–7
integers, 162–3
mixed / improper fractions and decimals, 236–7, 266–7,
rational numbers, 266–7, 399
whole numbers
with exponents, 122–3, 126–7, 128, 138–9, 162–3
with other grouping symbols, 122–3, 126–7, 138–9, 162,

Patterns(see also Mental Math)
algebraic (see Algebra, patterns)
with decimals, 66–7, 207
with fractions, 196–7, 207
pentagonal numbers, 513
triangular and square numbers, 512–3
percent, 414–5
rule, 145, 161
with integers, 156–7, 158
with whole numbers, 66–7, 217
commission, 432–3
compare to decimals, 396–7, 398–9

temperature (Celsius / Fahrenheit)
convert / rename (using formula), 166–7, 273
write / read below zero, 166–7, 169, 273, 498, 499
compute with units of, 458–9
elapsed time, 458–9
time zones, 459
tools, 24(SU), 448–9, 452–3
count cubic units, 478–9
by formula
cube, 136–7, 478–9
cylinder, 480–1
pyramid, 482–3
rectangular prism, 478–9
triangular prism, 480–1
Mental Math (maintenance), 537–45
Mental Math (end-of-lesson feature), 47, 49, 69, 73, 109, 135,
157, 197, 211, 229, 257, 267, 305, 397, 419, 427, 473
computation, 234–7, 415–7
patterns, 66–7, 145, 243
percent, 414–5
fractions: find sums of one, 234–5
use properties, 236–7
common multiple, 3(SU), 133, 194–5, 196
least common multiple (LCM), 194–5
Multiplication of decimals
computation, 72–3
multipliers of 10 through 1000 and multiples of, 66–7
estimate products, 72–3
missing factor, 73
patterns, 66–7, 72–3
zeros in products, 254–5
Multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers
cancellation (using the GCF), 250–1, 256–7
check, 255
fractions, 250–1
mixed / whole numbers, 252–3, 256–7, 268–9
three factors, 255
concepts of, 250–1, 252–3, 255
estimate products, 256, 268–9
find part of a whole number, 252–3
missing factor, 254, 257
“of” in multiplication, 252–3, 268–9
related to division, 264–5
rename, 250–1, 252–3
representations, 250–1, 252
strategy: use properties, 254–5
Multiplication of integers
computation, 158–9, 500–1
related to division, 160–1
Multiplication of whole numbers and money
multipliers/multiplicands of 10, 100, 1000 and multiples of,
three factors, 8(SU), 73
up to 3-digit multipliers, 9(SU), 70–1, 91
zeros in, 66–7
estimate products (see Estimation strategies)
exponents, 74–5

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